Lab Minikube (based on official tutorial on
- Launch GitHub Codespace
- Run
minikube start
to start cluster - Run
minikube dashboard --url
to view dashboard in a new terminal - Hover over link and "follow link"
- Create a deployment:
kubectl create deployment hello-node -- /agnhost netexec --http-port=8080
- View deployment:
kubectl get deployments
- View pods:
kubectl get pods
- Create service and expose it:
kubectl expose deployment hello-node --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
- View services:
kubectl get services
- Curl the url shown, for example:
or change to your URL. - Cleanup
kubectl delete service hello-node
kubectl delete deployment hello-node
minikube stop
- Push container to DockerHub (Optional): i.e.
docker build -t <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]
anddocker push <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
Example of a pushed FastAPI container here: minikube start
minikube dashboard --url
- Hover over link and "follow link"
- Create a deployment:
kubectl create deployment hello-fastapi
- View deployment:
kubectl get deployments
- Create service and expose it:
kubectl expose deployment hello-fastapi --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
- View services:
kubectl get service hello-fastapi
minikube service hello-fastapi --url
- Curl web service: i.e.
- Cleanup
- Cleanup
kubectl delete service hello-fastapi
kubectl delete deployment hello-fastapi
minikube stop
A repository to demonstrate FastAPI
/docs get to swagger
docker build .
docker image ls
#find image
docker run -p 93fa55efa692
- Clone repo into Cloud9 (pick a machine with decent size CPU and RAM if possible, but students should use micro)
- Add ssh keys to GitHub
- resize to bigger disk
- Create virtualenv and add to bashrc and source
python3 -m venv ~/.venv && echo 'source ~/.venv/bin/activate' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
- cd into checkout and run
make install
- Preview running FastAPI app after running: python
- Create ECR repository by right-click in Cloud9
Navigate to ECR repo created or whatever you named it and follow "push" instructions
Navigate to AWS App Runner and Setup Continuous Delivery using ECR
Setup AWS Code Build to push container after each build (which triggers auto-deploy)
See following buildspec.yml and Makefile