P5LP_Development_repo* holds the deefault Google repo manifest
It enables Google’s "repo" to manage a number of PSoC 5LP Component Library and
Test Projects repositories. -
If you are unfamiliar with repo, you can read up on it here.
The PSoC_5LP Component Library
repositories catered for are as followshttps://github.com/noeldiviney/ND_PSoC_Comp_lib
Credits go to the following contributers who’s work I have borrowed on
to create the Library. They have also been a great inspiration in getting
my knowledge up to that required to create the Library. Thanks guys.-
Michael Bey …. .. CharLCD I2C lib
odissey1 … … …. QuadDecoder, DDS24, DDS32, and KIT-059
Todd Dust .. … … TDust_UDB components
Alan Hawse … …. Iot_Expert articles and Blogs
TODO … more components
I also installed apt-cyg (cygwin apt-get) and gem.
For editing markdown and asciidoc files I istalled
Add other files as required
$: mkdir ~/bin $: curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo $: chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Edit ~/.bash_profile and uncomment lines 32, 33 and 34 to add ~/bin to PATH
$: mkdir -p ~/projects/P5LP $: cd projects/P5LP
$: git config --global user.name "Your Name" $: git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
$: repo init -u https://github.com/noeldiviney/P5LP_Development_repo
$: repo sync
once this has completed you should have PSoC_5LP Component Libraries in place
Launch PSoC Creator
Do not Load or Create any project yet so that CDC Library is installed for all Projects
select "Tools→Options"
Setup the "Options" dialog as per the following image
Ensure that "Projects Location" shows ~\projects\P5LP\ComponentsTest"
Now select "Project Management→Default Dependencies"
Navigate to "~\projects\P5LP\ComponentsDev"
Use the "New Entry" button to find and "open" each Libratiy’s .cyprj file
Use "File→New→Project" to launch the "Create Project" dialog
Select "Target device"
Select "PSoC 5LP" and "CY8C5888LTQ-LP097" and "next" btn
Select "Empty Schematic" and "next" btn
Select "Finish" btn to launch the new project
In "Project Explorer" Window double click on the "TopDesign.cysch"
In the "Component Catalog" window on the right select "CDC" tab
After using "Repo sync" to fetch all the librarys "Git status" shows that they are detached which means they are unsuitable for git add, git commit etc To get around this it is necessary to use the following Git commands.
$: git checkout master or whatever branch one wishes to use $: git commit -a $: git push https://github.com/noeldiviney/CharLCD_I2C_Test.git (in my case)