This is experimental project that is a proof of concept for Electrolink and WeIO architecture. Work is still in progress
##Mqtt broker On your pc or on rPi install and launch broker
npm install aedes --save
node mqqtBroker/broker.js
This will launch mqtt broker on two ports, mqtt (1883) and websocket (4444). Remember your ip address because you will need it
Launch some http server and point to html directory. I'm using lighttpd on rPi that works just fine.
Fix your mqtt broker server ip address in file html/lib/electrolink.js
Fix your mqtt broker server ip address in file micropythonElectrolink/
Upload files from micropythonElectrolink to your ESP board using ampy tool
ampy -p /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 put micropythonElectrolink/
ampy -p /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 put micropythonElectrolink/
Enter in ESP board using serial console (screen, minicom,...)
screen /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 115200
Now launch Electrolink server
import elServer
Make sure that you ran mqtt broker server at first and then micropython Electrolink server. Type your http server ip address in browser and enjoy