A webpack plugin for generating RSS feed files
By NriotHrreion
npm i webpack-feed-plugin
var { WebpackFeedPlugin } = require("webpack-feed-plugin");
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new WebpackFeedPlugin({
site: "https://example.com",
postPath: path.resolve(__dirname, "../src/posts"),
postLink: "%s/%a", // Here: %s = https://example.com/blog, %a = Article Title
output: {
json: "feed.json",
atom: "feed.xml"
feedConfig: {
title: "My Feed",
description: "This is my feed, welcome to subscribe",
id: "https://example.com/blog",
link: "https://example.com/blog",
language: "en",
favicon: "https://example.com/favicon.ico",
copyright: `Copyright (c) ${new Date().getFullYear()} NriotHrreion`,
feedLinks: {
json: "https://example.com/feed.json",
atom: "https://example.com/feed.xml"
author: {
name: "NoahHrreion",
email: "nriot233@gmail.com",
link: "https://example.com"
title: "This is an article"
author: NriotHrreion
photo: "/static/example.png"
excerpt: "This is a description of the article."
date: 2024-02-23
Article Contents...