- remove dependency between the codes as much as possible
- put implementations in different code based on its dependency
- use double space for a tab
Based on the elemnt index rule in VTK
use the extension ".h" instead of ".hpp"
There are roughly three types of source code and naming is different
stand alone source code -> short lowercase name (e.g, vec2.h, mats.h)
source code that depends on few other codes -> short lowercase name and its dependency connected by "_". (e.g, objf_geo3.cpp)
source code that depeds on many other codes -> Uppercase name
The function name should be written in camel case notation that sarts with upper case letter (e.g., Verb_Object_Adverb)
Geometric Operator
- Nearest
- Intersection
- IsInside
- Volume
- Area
Use Read <-> Write for the file io. Don't use Load <-> Save
Naming Various Types of Points
- aXY -> general 2D point
- aXYZ-> general 3D point
- CAD vertex -> Vertex
- Mesh corner point -> Point
- FEM points it can be inside an element (may be on edge or on face) -> Node
How to call a mesh?
- MeshTri3D
- MeshQuad2D
- MeshHex3D
- MeshMix3D
- MeshElem3D
- Point3D
- MeshHex3DSurface
Matrix, Vector & Quaternion
- The order of priority between objects is "Vec2 < Mat2 < Vec3 < Quat < Mat3 < Mat4". Higher priority object contains the functions that use lower priority object.