A small application designed to help Collective Unconscious developers submit their updates
Cmake > 3.14
git clone https://github.com/noahrav/cu_submitter.git
cd cu_submitter
cmake -B build
cd build
The executable is build/cu_submitter
./cu_submitter --help | --usage : prints the usage
./cu_submitter [-p <server_port>] : opens backend server on specific port; 3000 by default
./cu_submitter --chgen <base_path> <modified_path> : generates a changelog text file
./cu_submitter --transfer <unmodified_copy_path> <modified_copy_path> <destination_path> : transfers the modified files to the destination path
./cu_submitter --submit <unmodified_copy_path> <modified_copy_path> [<archive_path>] : copy the modified files to a submission folder