Command line tool to grant access tokens to each repository when needed via GitHub Apps.
mint install nnsnodnb/github-apps-token-swift
or add to Mintfile
git clone
cd github-apps-token-swift
make release_build
Executable binary path is .build/apple/Products/Release/github-apps-token
in repository directory.
$ github-apps-token --help
USAGE: github-apps-token <subcommand>
--version Show the version.
--help Show help information.
create Create an access token.
revoke Revoke an access token.
See 'github-apps-token help <subcommand>' for detailed help.
Choose the create
and revoke
subcommands for github-apps-token
$ github-apps-token create --help
OVERVIEW: Create an access token.
USAGE: github-apps-token create [<options>] --app-id <app-id> --private-key <private-key> --proxy <proxy> --owner <owner> --repositories <repositories> ... --organization_self_hosted_runners <organization_self_hosted_runners>
-a, --app-id <app-id> The App ID of GitHub Apps.
-p, --private-key <private-key>
The private key of GitHub Apps.
-h, --host-url <host-url>
GitHub API Host URL. (default:
-x, --proxy <proxy> Your proxy server URL
--owner <owner> Owner of repositories
-r, --repositories <repositories>
List of repositories that need permissions. (comma separated)
--actions <actions> The permission of actions.
--administration <administration>
The permission of administration.
--checks <checks> The permission of checks.
--contents <contents> The permissions of contents.
--deployments <deployments>
The permission of deployments.
--environments <environments>
The permission of environments.
--issues <issues> The permission of issues.
--metadata <metadata> The permission of metadata.
--packages <packages> The permission of packages.
--pages <pages> The permission of pages.
--pull_requests <pull_requests>
The permission of pull_requests.
--repository_announcement_banners <repository_announcement_banners>
The permission of repository_announcement_banners.
--repository_hooks <repository_hooks>
The permission of repository_hooks.
--repository_projects <repository_projects>
The permission of repository_projects.
--secret_scanning_alerts <secret_scanning_alerts>
The permission of secret_scanning_alerts.
--secrets <secrets> The permission of secrets.
--security_events <security_events>
The permission of security_events.
--single_file <single_file>
The permission of single_file.
--statuses <statuses> The permission of statuses.
--vulnerability_alerts <vulnerability_alerts>
The permission of vulnerability_alers.
The write permission of workflows.
--members <members> The permission of members.
--organization_administration <organization_administration>
The permission of organization_administration.
--organization_custom_roles <organization_custom_roles>
The permission of organization_custom_roles.
--organization_announcement_banners <organization_announcement_banners>
The permission of organization_announcement_banners.
--organization_hooks <organization_hooks>
The permission of organization_hooks.
--organization_plan The read permission of organization_plan.
--organization_projects <organization_projects>
The permission of organization_projects.
--organization_packages <organization_packages>
The permission of organization_packages.
--organization_secrets <organization_secrets>
The permission of organization_secrets.
--organization_self_hosted_runners <organization_self_hosted_runners>
The permission of organization_self_hosted_runners.
--organization_user_blocking <organization_user_blocking>
The permission of organization_user_blocking.
--team_discussions <team_discussions>
The permission of team_discussions.
--version Show the version.
--help Show help information.
Grants your_github_username/repository_1
and your_github_username/repository_2
read permission on contents
and write permission on pull_requests
See documentation for permissions.
github-apps-token create \
--app-id 123456 \
--private-key /path/to/privatekey.pem \
--owner your_github_username \
--repositories repository_1,repository_2 \
--contents read \
--pull_requests write
$ github-apps-token revoke --help
OVERVIEW: Revoke an access token.
USAGE: github-apps-token revoke [--host-url <host-url>] --proxy <proxy> --token <token>
-h, --host-url <host-url>
GitHub API Host URL. (default:
-x, --proxy <proxy> Your proxy server URL
-t, --token <token> Access token to be revoked.
--version Show the version.
--help Show help information.
github-apps-token revoke --token ghs_Hqu93EIWNm5HS8DPxuQiKABWOAsKlB3k6tYV
This software is licensed under the MIT License (See LICENSE).