Pure Start is a boilerplate that allows you to start working on a new project fast and easy. It provides you with a clean and flexible environment to create static applications and can be extended to create something more complex.
- Starting local server
- SASS/SCSS preprocessors
- Pug templating
- JS transpilation
- TypesScript support
- File minification
- Some predefined UI components
- and more...
- Manually download and unpack repository archive
- Using Git
git clone https://github.com/nmihalyov/pure-start.git
Run this commands using npm run ${command}
or yarn ${command}
– starts local dev server on development modebuild
– creates production buildstats
– generates JSON file for analyzing bundleanalyze
– opens analyze report (runstats
– creates new component (see below for details)prettier:check
– checks for prettier complianceprettier:fix
– fixes prettier issueseslint:check
– checks for eslint complianceeslint:fix
– fixes eslint issues
You can create component manually or by CLI. The comman below will create catalog and pug, scss files named by <component_name>
in components catalog with simple layout:
npm run comp <component_name>
– creates component in _ui subfolder
– additionaly creates js file
– additionaly creates ts file
– generates section layout for pug file
Boilerplate's structure is pretty simple!
At the root there a some config files and script for creating components via CLI.
folder contains production build for your project that can be deployed. Do not changing anything here by your hands.
is a working directory which contains your project source code. Below folders are located here.
is used for static content like images and fonts.
contains your... components! They can be UI (like button, checkbox, etc.) or just simple components, as you like. Components usually has 3 realizations: markup – pug, styles – scss, scripts – javascript (this one may be missing).
consists of layouts
(which are shells for different page, e.g. one for online shop interface and other for admin section), pages
(for pages markup) and utils
(any utilities you can use for pages or layouts).
for JavaScript and TypesScript files (you can write both, but it's highly recommended to use TS).
for global styles (don't write component specific styles here).
is entry point for youe JS/TS files.
To import image in pug files use require. E.g.:
img(src=require("@/assets/images/static/logo.png"), alt="Logo")
To use images in scss you can simply do it as you did before. E.g.:
background-image: url('@/assets/images/icons/github-white.svg')
E-mail: nikita.mihalyov@gmail.com
LinkedIn: nmihalyov
Telegram: @nmihalyov
Website: nmihalyov.tk