Download library files and add them to your project.
Link JS before end of body tag:
<script src="path/simple-modal.js"></script>
Link CSS in the head tag(optional):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/simple-modal.css">
Add markup
Modal must have id
<div class="modal" id="modal-default" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal__wrapper">
<div class="modal__inner">
<div class="modal__content">
<h1>Modal window</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Deserunt ipsum beatae laboriosam id natus! Similique dignissimos veritatis ducimu hic! Delectus, mollitia obcaecati dolor dolorum tempora nemo iusto id amet provident.
<button data-modal-close>Close</button>
Add data attribute with id to your modal open trigger
Add data attribute to your modal close trigger
data-modal-closeIn this case it close current modal where there close trigger is, we also can pass a modal id value the same way as we do in data-modal-open
For example:
Init plugin in your JavaScript code
Base init example:
const modals = new SimpleModal()
Init with all options example:
const options = {
onInit: () => {
beforeOpen: modal => {
console.log('before open: ', modal)
onOpen: modal => {
console.log('on open: ', modal)
beforeClose: modal => {
console.log('before close', modal)
onClose: modal => {
console.log('on close', modal)
disableScroll: true,
transition: 250,
nested: true,
overlayCloseAll: true,
const modals = new SimpleModal(options)
Open modal by id
Close modal by id
Close all active modals
onInit: fires when modals init
onInit: () => {
beforeOpen: fires before modal opened and transition start
beforeOpen: modal => {
console.log('before open: ', modal)
onOpen: fires when modal opened and transition end
onOpen: modal => {
console.log('on open: ', modal)
beforeClose: fires before modal closed and transition start
beforeClose: modal => {
console.log('before close: ', modal)
onClose: fires when modal closed and transition end
onClose: modal => {
console.log('on close: ', modal)
disableScroll (boolean): Disable scroll when modal opened
disableScroll: true // default value
transition (number, ms): Open and close modal animation duration
transition: 250 // default value
nested (boolean): Enable nested modals
When modal is opened and we trigger another modal:
If nested = true, it will be opened over active modal.
If nested = false, it will be closed.
nested: false // default value
overlayCloseAll (boolean): should use if nested = true, on overlay click:
If overlayCloseAll = false, it will close only current active modal.
If overlayCloseAll = true, it will close all active modals.
overlayCloseAll: true // default value