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MAMKit: Multimodal Argument Mining Toolkit

A Comprehensive Multimodal Argument Mining Toolkit.

Table of Contents


MAMKit is an open-source, publicly available PyTorch toolkit designed to access and develop datasets, models, and benchmarks for Multimodal Argument Mining (MAM). It provides a flexible interface for accessing and integrating datasets, models, and preprocessing strategies through composition or custom definition. MAMKit is designed to be extendible, ensure replicability, and provide a shared interface as a common foundation for experimentation in the field.

At the time of writing, MAMKit offers 4 datasets, 4 tasks and 6 distinct model architectures, along with audio and text processing capabilities, organized in 5 main components.

Datasets Tasks
UkDebates Argumentative Sentence Detection (ASD)
MArgγ Argumentative Relation Classification (ARC)
MM-USED Argumentative Sentence Detection (ASD)
Argumentative Component Classification (ACC)
MM-USED-fallacy Argumentative Fallacy Classification (AFC)
Argumentative Fallacy Detection(AFD)
Model Text Encoding Audio Encoding Fusion
BiLSTM GloVe + BiLSTM (Wav2Vec2 ∨ MFCCs) + BiLSTM Conat-Late
MM-BERT BERT (Wav2Vec2 ∨ HuBERT ∨ WavLM) + BiLSTM Concat-Late
MM-RoBERTa RoBERTa (Wav2Vec2 ∨ HuBERT ∨ WavLM) + BiLSTM Concat-Late
CSA BERT (Wav2Vec2 ∨ HuBERT ∨ WavLM) + Transformer Concat-Early
Ensemble BERT (Wav2Vec2 ∨ HuBERT ∨ WavLM) + Transformer Avg-Late
Mul_TA BERT (Wav2Vec2 ∨ HuBERT ∨ WavLM) + Transformer Cross

🔧 Installation

⚠️ Prerequisites

Before installing MAMKit, ensure you have the following:

  • Python 3.10 (MAMKit is tested with this version)
  • ffmpeg (Required for audio processing)
    You can install it via:
    sudo apt install ffmpeg  # Debian/Ubuntu  
    brew install ffmpeg      # macOS  
    choco install ffmpeg     # Windows (using Chocolatey)  

For other installation methods, refer to the FFmpeg official website.

Install via PyPi

  1. Install MAMKit using PyPi:
pip install mamkit 
  1. Access MAMKit in your Python code:
import mamkit 

Install from GitHub

This installation is recommended for users who wish to conduct experiments and customize the toolkit according to their needs.

  1. Clone the repository and install the requirements:
git clone
cd mamkit
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Access MAMKit in your Python code:
import mamkit 

⚙️ Usage


MAMKit provides a modular interface for defining datasets or allowing users to load datasets from the literature.

Load a Dataset

In the example that follows, illustrates how to load a dataset. In this case, a dataset is loaded using the MMUSED class from, which extends the Loader interface and implements specific functionalities for data loading and retrieval. Users can specify task and input mode (text-only, audio-only, or text-audio) when loading the data, with options to use default splits or load splits from previous works. The example uses splits from Mancini et al. (2022).

The get_splits method of the loader returns data splits in the form of a data.datasets.SplitInfo. The latter wraps split-specific data, each implementing PyTorch's Dataset interface and compliant to the specified input modality (i.e., text-only).

from import UKDebates, InputMode

loader = UKDebates(

split_info = loader.get_splits('mancini-et-al-2022')

The Loader interface also allows users to integrate methods defining custom splits as follows:

from import SplitInfo

def custom_splits(self) -> List[SplitInfo]:
    train_df =[:50]
    val_df =[50:100]
    test_df =[100:]
    fold_info = self.build_info_from_splits(train_df=...)
    return [fold_info]

split_info = loader.get_splits('custom')

Add a New Dataset

To add a new dataset, users need to create a new class that extends the Loader interface and implements the required functionalities for data loading and retrieval. The new class should be placed in the module.


The toolkit provides a modular interface for defining models, allowing users to compose models from pre-defined components or define custom models. In particular, MAMkit offers a simple method for both defining custom models and leveraging models from the literature.

Load a Model

The following example demonstrates how to instantiate a model with a configuration found in the literature. This configuration is identified by a key, ConfigKey, containing all the defining information. The key is used to fetch the precise configuration of the model from the configs package. Subsequently, the model is retrieved from the models package and configured with the specific parameters outlined in the configuration.

from mamkit.configs.base import ConfigKey
from mamkit.configs.text import TransformerConfig
from import InputMode

config_key = ConfigKey(

config = TransformerConfig.from_config(
model = Transformer(

Custom Model Definition

The example below illustrates that defining a custom model is straightforward. It entails creating the model within the models package, specifically by extending either the AudioOnlyModel, TextOnlyModel, or TextAudioModel classes in the, models.text, or models.text_audio modules, respectively, depending on the input modality handled by the model.

class Transformer(TextOnlyModel):

    def __init__(
            is_transformer_trainable: bool = False,
    ): ...
from mamkit.models.text import Transformer

model = Transformer(
          dropout_rate=0.1, ...)


Our models are designed to be encapsulated into a PyTorch LightningModule, which can be trained using PyTorch Lightning's Trainer class. The following example demonstrates how to wrap and train a model using PyTorch Lightning.

from mamkit.utility.model import to_lighting_model
import lightning

model = to_lighting_model(model=model, 

trainer = lightning.Trainer(max_epochs=100,


The mamkit.configs package simplifies reproducing literature results in a structured manner. Upon loading the dataset, experiment-specific configurations can be easily retrieved via a configuration key. This enables instantiating a processor using the same features processor employed in the experiment.

In the example below, we adopt a configuration akin to Mancini et al. (2022), employing a BiLSTM model with audio encoded with MFCCs features. Hence, we define a MFCCExtractor processor using configuration parameters.

from import BiLSTMMFCCsConfig
from mamkit.configs.base import ConfigKey
from import UKDebates, InputMode
from import MFCCExtractor, UnimodalProcessor
from import BiLSTM

loader = UKDebates(task_name='asd',

config = BiLSTMMFCCsConfig.from_config(

for split_info in loader.get_splits(
    processor = 
                mfccs=config.mfccs, ...))

    split_info.train = processor(split_info.train)
    model = BiLSTM(embedding_dim=
                    config.embedding_dim, ...)

🧠 Structure

The toolkit is organized into five main components: configs, data, models, modules and utility. In addition to that, the toolkit provides a demos directory for running all the experiments presented in the paper. The figure below illustrates the toolkit's structure.

Toolkit Structure

📚 Website and Documentation

The documentation is available here.

The website is available here.

Our website provides a comprehensive overview of the toolkit, including installation instructions, usage examples, and a detailed description of the toolkit's components. Moreover, the website provides a detailed description of the datasets, tasks, and models available in the toolkit, together with a leaderboard of the results obtained on the datasets with the current models.

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions to MAMKit! Please refer to the contributing guidelines for more information.

📧 Contact Us

For any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us: Eleonora Mancini, Federico Ruggeri.

📖 Citation

If you use MAMKit in your research, please cite the following paper:

    title = "{MAMK}it: A Comprehensive Multimodal Argument Mining Toolkit",
    author = "Mancini, Eleonora  and
      Ruggeri, Federico  and
      Colamonaco, Stefano  and
      Zecca, Andrea  and
      Marro, Samuele  and
      Torroni, Paolo",
    editor = "Ajjour, Yamen  and
      Bar-Haim, Roy  and
      El Baff, Roxanne  and
      Liu, Zhexiong  and
      Skitalinskaya, Gabriella",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining 2024)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Bangkok, Thailand",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2024.argmining-1.7",
    pages = "69--82",

🙏 Acknowledgement

This work was partially supported by project FAIR: Future Artificial Intelligence Research (European Commission NextGeneration EU programme, PNRR-M4C2-Investimento 1.3, PE00000013-"FAIR" - Spoke 8).