- generate mock traffic
- for now just GET requests
const { TrafficSimulator, SECOND } = require('traffic-simulator');
const graph = { /* see below */ };
const opts = {
delayRate: 1 * SECOND,
minDepth: 2,
maxDepth: 20,
minTmOnPage: 1 * SECOND,
maxTmOnPage: 30 * SECOND,
nClients: 50,
doLog: true,
const ts = new TrafficSimulator(graph, opts);
const MILLISEC = 1;
const SECOND = 1000 * MILLISEC;
const DEFAULTS = {
nClients: 10,
delayRate: 1 * SECOND, // time between clients are spawned
minTmOnPage: 3 * SECOND,
maxTmOnPage: 120 * SECOND,
maxDepth: 20, // max #clicks that each client makes
minDepth: 2,
doLog: true,
interface Printable { toString(): string; }
protected get randURL(): string; // start URL when creating a new client worker
protected get randDepth(): number; // length of new client worker tour
protected get randTmOnPg(): number; // time on the current page after each transition
protected nameFunct(idx: number): string; // name for new client workers
protected warn(msg: Printable): void; // defaults to console.warn
protected log(msg: Printable): void; // defaults to console.log
// You will have access to all opts: this.nClients, this.delayRate ...
The following events are emitted along with the data specified in parenthesis.
- randURL(url: string)
- depth(workerName: string)
- exit(workerName: string)
- null(workerName: string)
- spent(workerName: string, url: string, timeSpent: number)
- spawn({ workerName: string, url: string, depth: number }, atTime: Date)
For a complete example see examples/simple.ts
// adjacency list (floats are transition PROBABILITIES, they MUST add up to 1.0)
// stackoverflow => google (p = .2)
// stackoverflow => exit (p = .8)
// news.ycombinator => news.ycombinator => .2
// news.ycombinator => exit (p = .8)
// etc.
'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/951021/what-is-the-javascript-version-of-sleep': {
'https://www.google.co.uk/search?newwindow=1&source=hp&ei=cVDHXPOtF5HosAfKnJrgDw&q=javascript+sleep+await&oq=jav&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39l2j0i20i263j0j0i131j0j0i20i263j0i131j0j0i131.889.1455..2407...0.0..0.131.347.3j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0.8oIEbZdX7Es': 0.2,
'%exit%': 0.8,
'https://news.ycombinator.com/': {
'https://news.ycombinator.com/news?p=2': 0.2,
'%exit%': 0.8,
'https://news.ycombinator.com/news?p=2': {
'https://news.ycombinator.com/news?p=3': 0.1,
'%exit%': 0.9,
'https://www.google.co.uk/search?newwindow=1&source=hp&ei=cVDHXPOtF5HosAfKnJrgDw&q=javascript+sleep+await&oq=jav&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39l2j0i20i263j0j0i131j0j0i20i263j0i131j0j0i131.889.1455..2407...0.0..0.131.347.3j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0.8oIEbZdX7Es': {
'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/951021/what-is-the-javascript-version-of-sleep': 0.8,
'https://flaviocopes.com/javascript-sleep/': 0.2,
'https://github.com/': {
'https://github.com/': 0.4,
'https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=node&type=': 0.5,
'%exit%': 0.1,
'https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_settimeout.asp': {
'https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_win_opener.asp': 0.1,
'https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_win_sessionstorage.asp': 0.2,
'%exit%': 0.7,
'https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=node&type=': {
'https://github.com/nodejs/node': 0.6,
'%exit%': 0.4,