A complete roadmap to learn Android App Development. This roadmap will help you in becoming a complete Android Developer.
- Programming
- Java
- Kotlin
- Android Studio
- Android Studio IDE Overview
- Project Structure
- Java/Kotlin
- .gradle files
- Android Component
- Activity
- Activity Lifecycle
- Tasks & Back Stack
- Service
- Broadcast Receiver
- Content Provider
- Activity
- Intents
- Types of Intent
- Implicit
- Explicit
- Intent Filter
- Types of Intent
- Static User Interface
- View
- Button, ImageView, TextView, EditText etc
- ViewGroup
- LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, ConstraintLayout
- View
- Dynamic User Interface
- RecyclerView
- ViewPager
- Spinner
- CustomView
- Canvas
- Bitmap
- Paint
- UI Resources
- Drawables
- String
- Styles
- Fragments
- Fragment Lifecycle
- Fragment Manager
- Support User Interface
- ProgressBar
- Dialogs
- Toast & Snackbar
- Storage
- Shared Preferences
- File Systems
- Database
- RoomDB
- Build
- Gradle
- Debug / Release Configuration
- Threading
- Thread
- Handler/Looper
- ThreadPoolExecutor
- RxJava
- Coroutines/Flow
- WorkManager
- Debugging
- Memory profiling
- Logging
- Systrace
- Exceptions
- Error Handling
- Memory Leak
- Detecting and Fixing Memory Leaks
- Context
- 3rd Party Library
- Image Loading
- Glide
- Picasso
- Dependency Injection
- Dagger
- Networking
- Fast Android Networking Library
- Retrofit
- MultiThreading
- RxJava
- Coroutines
- Kotlin Flow API
- Image Loading
- Coroutines - You can learn these topics here: Master Kotlin Coroutines
- coroutines
- suspend
- launch, async-await, withContext
- dispatchers
- scope, context, job
- lifecycleScope, viewModelScope, GlobalScope
- suspendCoroutine, suspendCancellableCoroutine
- coroutineScope, supervisorScope
- Kotlin Flow API - You can learn these topics here: Kotlin Flow API
- Flow Builder, Operator, Collector
- flowOn, dispatchers
- Operators such as filter, map, zip, flatMapConcat, retry, debounce, distinctUntilChanged, flatMapLatest
- Terminal operators
- Cold Flow vs Hot Flow: Cold Flow vs Hot Flow
- StateFlow, SharedFlow, callbackFlow, channelFlow
- Data Format
- Flat Buffer
- Protocol Buffer
- Networking
- OkHttp, Interceptor
- Caching
- Retrofit with Coroutines/Flow
- Multipart request
- Read, Write Timeout
- OAuth 2.0 - Refresh and Access Token
- HTTP Status Codes
- Android Jetpack
- Foundation Components
- AppCompat
- Android KTX
- Multidex
- Architecture Components
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- DataBinding
- Paging
- Work Manager
- Navigation
- Behaviour Components
- Download Manager
- Media Playback
- Notification
- Permissions
- Preference
- Sharing
- Slice
- UI Component
- Animation & Transition
- Android Auto
- Emoji
- Palette
- Android TV
- Android Wear
- Foundation Components
- Compose
- State: remember, rememberSaveable, MutableState
- Recomposition
- State hoisting
- Side-effects
- Modifier
- Theme
- Layout, List
- Gestures, Animation
- CompositionLocal
- Common Design Patterns and Architecture
- Builder Pattern
- Singleton
- Dependency Injection
- Factory
- Observer
- Repository
- Clean architecture
- Unit Testing
- Local Unit Testing
- Instrumentation Testing
- Firebase
- Crashlytics
- Analytics
- Remote Config
- App Indexing
- Dynamic Link
- Security
- Encrypt / Decrypt
- Proguard
- R8
- App Release
- .keystore file
- App Bundle
- Playstore
- Keep Learning and Improving
Get Mentorship: amitshekhar.me
- Support by clicking the ⭐ button on the upper right of this page. ✌️
Copyright (C) 2022 Amit Shekhar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Just make a pull request. You are in!