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all config files that i customized for every thing im my system (qtile)


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wpgtk dynamic RICE

  • all config files that i have customized for every thing im my system are here

new1 new3


⚠️ Important notes ⚠️

  • QTILE & qtile-extras >= 30.0
  • make sure to make the excutable by running this command chmod +x .config/qtile/


-Run this command on arch to install the Dependencies for yay :

yay -S --needed rofi rofimoji rofi-emoji  pango  python python-cairocffi  alsa-utils python-dbus-next python-dbus-fast python-psutil  qtile-extras  python-pywal wpgtk feh startup-notification  dunst  upower python-attrs python-pulsectl Python-psutil python-pulsectl-asyncio kitty python-pywalfox ttf-iosevka-nerd skippy-xd diodon betterlockscreen  xidlehook plank

for paru :

paru -S --needed rofi rofimoji rofi-emoji  pango  python python-cairocffi  alsa-utils python-dbus-next python-dbus-fast python-psutil  qtile-extras  python-pywal wpgtk feh startup-notification  dunst  upower python-attrs python-pulsectl Python-psutil python-pulsectl-asyncio kitty python-pywalfox ttf-iosevka-nerd skippy-xd-git diodon betterlockscreen xidlehook plank

For installation

  • make sure to backup you config files first
  • And make sure that you have all the Dependencies
  • then run this :
git clone
cd niz-dots 
cp -r .config/ ~/.config/
wpg -ta ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc
wpg -ta ~/.config/rofi/themes/wpgtk-colors.rasi.bak
mv -f ~/.config/wpg/config_dunst_dunstrc.base ~/.config/wpg/templates/ 
mv -f ~/.config/wpg/rofi_themes_wpgtk-colors.rasi.base ~/.config/wpg/templates/

Key Bindings

Key Combination Action
System Controls
Print 🖼️ Take a screenshot with Flameshot
mod + L 🔒 Lock the screen using Betterlockscreen
XF86MonBrightnessUp 🔆 Increase brightness
XF86MonBrightnessDown 🔅 Decrease brightness
XF86AudioMute 🔇 Mute volume
XF86AudioLowerVolume 🔉 Decrease volume
XF86AudioRaiseVolume 🔊 Increase volume
mod + Control + R 🔄 Reload the Qtile config
mod + Control + Q ❌ Shutdown Qtile
mod + N 🔄 Reset all window sizes
Application Launchers & Rofi
mod + [ 🖼️ Run a wallpaper select Rofi script
mod + E 📂 Open Thunar file manager
alt + Tab 🔄 Open Rofi window switcher
mod + , 😀 Open Rofi emojis picker
mod + V 📋 Show diodon clipboard manager
mod + R 🚀 Spawn Rofi app launcher
mod + B 🌐 Spawn browser
Window Management
mod + Left ⬅️ Move focus to the left
mod + Right ➡️ Move focus to the right
mod + Down ⬇️ Move focus downward
mod + Up ⬆️ Move focus upward
mod + Space 🔄 Move window focus to another window
mod + Shift + Left ⬅️ Move window to the left
mod + Shift + Right ➡️ Move window to the right
mod + Shift + Down ⬇️ Move window downward
mod + Shift + Up ⬆️ Move window upward
mod + Control + Left ⬅️ Grow window to the left
mod + Control + Right ➡️ Grow window to the right
mod + Control + Down ⬇️ Grow window downward
mod + Control + Up ⬆️ Grow window upward
mod + Shift + Return 🔀 Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack
mod + Tab 🔄 Toggle between layouts
mod + W ❌ Kill the focused window
mod + F 🔳 Toggle fullscreen
mod + M 🗜️ Toggle minimize
mod + T 🗂️ Toggle floating
Group Management
mod + PgDn ⬇️ Jump to the next group
mod + PgUp ⬆️ Jump to the previous group
mod + 1-5 🔢 Switch to group 1-5
mod + Shift + 1-5 🔢 Switch to & move focused window to group 1-5