There are 2 actors:
- Hospital organization
- Parent organization
- Kindergarten organization
The main purpose of KinderContract is to store medical reports of children in the blockchain system. There are some rules related to approve and create actions for reports:
- only hospital worker can create report
- only parent can approve a report
- kindergarten can read reports after parent's approve
Every program in Golang starts with a function main(). You can find main() function in main.go. In main() function we start the chaincode. We pass a reference of KinderContract object to shim.Start() method to start the chaincode.
You can find KinderContract struct and implementation of 2 required methods Invoke
and Init
in contract/MedicalContract.go
is called during chaincode instantiation to initialize any data. Note that chaincode upgrade also calls this function to reset or to migrate data.
is called per transaction on the chaincode. Each transaction is either a 'get' or a 'set' on the asset created by Init
function. The Set method may create a new asset by specifying a new key-value pair.
You can find actions in contract/action
folder. Just like controllers in web apps with MVC pattern, actions are connectors between business logic layer of smart contract and transport layer.
There are actions for report:
- createReport - hospital worker can create a report for kindergarten
- getReport - parent, hospital worker and kindergarten can get report from the system
- approveReport - parent can approve report to get kindergarten access to report.
You can find models in contract/model
folder. This folder contains entities of smart contract.
There are 3 models:
- Report
- User
You can find services in contract/service
folder. This folder contains business logic of smart contract
There are ReportService
to work with report. AuthService
is a wrapper to define who invokes the chaincode.
The project is developed by NIX Solutions Go team and distributed under MIT LICENSE