This Readme explains the instructions to setup the pyspark environment and run the spark job.
- Analysis 1: Find the number of crashes (accidents) in which number of persons killed are male?
- Analysis 2: How many two wheelers are booked for crashes?
- Analysis 3: Which state has the highest number of accidents in which females are involved?
- Analysis 4: Which are the Top 5th to 15th VEH_MAKE_IDs that contribute to a largest number of injuries including death
- Analysis 5: For all the body styles involved in crashes, mention the top ethnic user group of each unique body style
- Analysis 6: Among the crashed cars, what are the Top 5 Zip Codes with highest number crashes with alcohols as the contributing factor to a crash (Use Driver Zip Code)
- Analysis 7: Count of Distinct Crash IDs where No Damaged Property was observed and Damage Level (VEH_DMAG_SCL~) is above 4 and car avails Insurance
- Analysis 8: Determine the Top 5 Vehicle Makes where drivers are charged with speeding related offences, has licensed Drivers, uses top 10 used vehicle colours and has car licensed with the Top 25 states with highest number of offences (to be deduced from the data)
spark_project [referred below as root too]
|-- Pipfile
|-- Pipfile.lock
|-- analysis.ipynb
|-- config.yaml
|-- input
| -- Data
| |-- Charges_use.csv
| |-- Damages_use.csv
| |-- Endorse_use.csv
| |-- Primary_Person_use.csv
| |-- Restrict_use.csv
| |-- Units_use.csv
|-- utils
Python Version used here: 3.10
We use pipenv for managing project dependencies and Python environments (i.e. virtual environments). All direct packages dependencies (e.g. NumPy may be used in a User Defined Function), as well as all the packages used during development (e.g. PySpark, flake8 for code linting, IPython for interactive console sessions, etc.), are described in the Pipfile
. Their precise downstream dependencies are described in Pipfile.lock
To get started with Pipenv, first of all download it - assuming that there is a global version of Python available on your system and on the PATH, then this can be achieved by running the following command,
pip3 install pipenv
Pipenv is also available to install from many non-Python package managers. For example, on OS X it can be installed using the Homebrew package manager, with the following terminal command,
brew install pipenv
For more information, including advanced configuration options, see the official pipenv documentation.
- Builds a pipenv with all dependencies and packages required for the analysis.
- It zips the packages into in root directory.
- This is passed as a parameter in --py-files while running spark-submit.
- It is the main entrypoint to the entire Spark Analysis.
- Runs the script.
- Set up pipenv with PySpark and other dependencie.s
- Run Black formatting on
- Execute spark-submit with the built packages.
git clone <repo_name>
cd assessment && chmod u+x && ./
- Open Pipfile
- Change Python Version in
section to Python Version you have [>=3.6] - set
python_version = "3.6"
[for example] - Save the file and run
pipenv --python 3.6
- Head Over to Running the analysis section and follow the instructions.
- Input CSV files are available in input/*.csv
- The Output [Single line solutions] of the Analysis is logged in a file called
in root directory. - The Dataframe output is written in output directory in individual subfolders for each analysis problem in parquet format.
|-- Pipfile
|-- Pipfile.lock
|-- analysis.ipynb
|-- car_crash_analysis.log
|-- config.yaml
|-- input
| |-- Data
| |-- Charges_use.csv
| |-- Damages_use.csv
| |-- Endorse_use.csv
| |-- Primary_Person_use.csv
| |-- Restrict_use.csv
| |-- Units_use.csv
|-- output
| |-- analysis_1
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-72b14d78-1f5b-433b-94e7-6c4f799c13ae-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_2
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-7a5bc396-a8c0-469a-bbc6-3e88e0d67ece-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_3
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-3c5da559-2239-4d0f-87d8-7b94e3068e3a-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_4
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-c10c9ec2-182d-40a9-8612-1cbcb2de190f-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_5
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-82f19e19-6038-4b91-af8f-8f655a30a041-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_6
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-c5f43558-0ecd-4e77-96fc-1f431c33afac-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_7
| | |-- _SUCCESS
| | |-- part-00000-de550197-130a-4a03-a35e-cd43e6b0c67e-c000.snappy.parquet
| |-- analysis_8
| |-- _SUCCESS
| |-- part-00000-74e8a0a0-db5b-4e9d-a36a-7b581080f9c4-c000.snappy.parquet
|-- utils