Things I learned:
use of clerk auth. ToDo:Read docs again.
use of shadcn. docs
- pre-defined ui components can be customized by going in the components folder. Usually by adding a custom variant.
Use of trunch check for linting(not yet done).
Difference between organizational folder: (example) and the underscore folder: _example.
- (example): this is just for better organization and routes in this will work once they reach normal folder. You can also create layouts inside of these folders. -_example: routes in this won't work. This just completely eliminate everything inside it from routing.
Making custom hooks for things to do with navbar while scrolling.
dynamic classname using cn (@/lib/utils). I need to read more about this. This is basically like the classnames library that can be installed using npm. Using this I can put conditions to render a specific thing.
learned about next-themes and theme-provider using shadcn
Watch 5th N 8th video of codewithantonio for the following:
TODO ->Event handling: Like event:Ract.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement,MouseEvent>. This helps in defining the type of the evene. Still need to look into this.
TODO ->use of asChild prop. It is used to delegate something as a child of its parent element? I don't get this one. Need to figure it out.
Use of sonner library for a toaster.(pop up)
{!!id} -> turns this into a boolean expression. Basically this will return true or false based on if their is id or not.
[documentId] method to index the notes pages and its use. Basically square brackets make it dynamic.
Skeleton is basically to show like an outline of a thing that is going to load.
Implemented zustand. Need to learn a lot about it. docs
Learned about edgestore for file upload on nextJs.
Error: hostname "" is not configured under images in your
. This error comes when hostname for the image file is not there in next.config.js -
learned about blocknote(javascript based text editor).docs. Other text editor/library which I have used-> react-quill.
Recomended way to import editor component using useMemo and dynamic