⚡ Personalized system files ⚡
Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system. This repository holds all of my system dotfiles for my MacOS and program personalize configs I use. you may discover color schemes and fonts used by all of the program. Go to this repository to find my scripts that oftently use with my window manager.
- zsh: interactive login shell and as a command interpreter.
- oh My Zsh: framework for managing zsh configuration
- tmux: terminal multiplexer.
- aeroSpace: tiling window manager.
- skhd: simple hotkey daemon.
- alacritty: GPU accelerated terminal emulator.
- ranger: vim-inspired filemanager.
- nvim: hyperextensible Vim-based text editor.
If you're planning to install and setup above packages and personalize it as you want it's gonna take time. I have setup a installation script for easy use. after setup you can configure each package as you want by editing config files located inside .config/<package-name>
bash <(curl -sL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nipunravisara/2adc724c27b8eea67951276b74dfa211/raw/e938a01c9eb95767f88ba35a5a4e6a9c08e0331c/script.sh)
if you want to give this script a try, you should first fork this gits, review the code, and remove things you don’t want specially gitconfig and zprofile.