NOTE: this is a hack (just to produce MathJax formulae), not intended for production! There are several excellent frontends for REDUCE, e.g. RUN-REDUCE or TeXmacs among others.
REDUCE in browser (scratchpad, MathJax) (:warning: :construction:)
On Linux change redcsl.bat
to redcsl
in reduce_server.js
> reduce_server.js:const repl = spawn('redcsl', ['--nogui']);
The style can be configured at the beginning of reduce_client.html
html, body {
background-color: #E0E0E0;
color: black;
font-family: monospace;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
margin-bottom: 25px;
Paths are relative to HOME
. Notice the $
at the end.
> @mathjax off
> in "../Desktop/"$
> @mathjax on
If @text
is on
, then this should/can be set off
as well, of course.
In case you only have $
-endings, it is usually not necessary to turn
LaTeX output off.
Define a procedure:
procedure pp(s); lisp(princ(s));
Then pp "$\int f(x)\, dx $" $ ==>
One may mix HTML and LaTeX as well:
> pp "<h1>Hello $\LaTeX$</h1>" $