FriCAS HTTP Server/Client (cl-hunchentoot/cl-drakma)
- FriCAS
- ASDF (
sudo apt install cl-asdf
) - Hunchentoot (
sudo apt install cl-hunchentoot
) - Drakma (
sudo apt install cl-drakma
For other Linux distros you may use the adequate install tool.
None, but you have to compile the files.
)compile httpcli
)compile httpsrv
)compile httpsrv
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.026
HttpServer is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
HttpServer will be automatically loaded when needed from
(2) -> start 4242
Value = ("uiop" "UIOP" "asdf" "ASDF")
Value = |htStart|
(2) #<EASY-ACCEPTOR (host *, port 4242)>
Type: SExpression
Open http://localhost:4242/
in a web-browser, then you should see:
The next URL will evaluate the sixth derivative of x^n
)compile httpcli
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.044
HttpClient is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
HttpClient will be automatically loaded when needed from
(1) -> r:=GET ""
Value = ("uiop" "UIOP" "asdf" "ASDF")
Value = ("URI" "SB-BSD-SOCKETS")
Value = |drakmaGET|
Value = |drakmaPOST|
"This is FriCAS computer algebra system. FriCAS is a fork of Axiom.
For installation instructions see INSTALL.
-- add new mathematical algorithms
Waldek Hebisch
Type: SExpression
-- convert to type String if you like: string r