Hi, I'm Nilaksh, a passionate data scientist and software developer from India.
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- 📫 How to reach me: agarwal.nilaksh@gmail.com;
- 📝 Resume
Languages and Tools:
Hi, I'm Nilaksh, a passionate data scientist and software developer from India.
Languages and Tools:
Benchmarking Node2vec and DeepWalk for course on Graph Neural Networks
TeX 9
Project on Abstractive Summarization of News for course on Natural Language Processing at IIT Delhi
An OpenGL type recursive ray tracing implementation in Java for rendering views for course on Computer Graphics at IIT Delhi
Code to generate the x86 translation of the webassembly trace for any program
JavaScript 3
Extensions to xv6 operating system done for course on Operating Systems at IIT Delhi
Recreation of the Railshooter by SEGA with 3D Graphics using Unity
C# 5