DropS is a Fortran-based simulation code designed to predict the equilibrium shape of a droplet on a structured substrate. It solves the Young-Laplace equation of capillary hydrostatics augmented with a disjoining pressure term, which models the solid-liquid interactions. This approach treats the liquid-solid and liquid-vapor interfaces in a unified framework, making it particularly effective for modeling cases where the number of contact lines is a priori unknown.
DropS has been used in several scientific papers:
- Chamakos, Kavousanakis, Papathanasiou, Soft Matter (2013)
- Chamakos, Kavousanakis, Papathanasiou, Langmuir (2014)
- Kavousanakis, Chamakos, Papathanasiou, J. Phys. Chem. C (2015)
Prepare the input files:
- GlobalParameters.txt
- AYLParameters.txt
- EIParameters.txt
- CYLParameters.txt
- ELParameters.txt
Compile the code:
Run the simulation:
The results are saved in the Results directory
- Fortran compiler: Install a Fortran compiler, such as GFortran
- MUMPS Library: Ensure the MUMPS library is installed in the directory
- Linux Environment: The application requires a Linux operating system for compatibility
Source Files:
- DropS.f90: Main program file
- cvar.f90: Common variables module
- auxfunct.f90: Auxiliary functions
- initsol.f90: Initialization and solution reading routines
- nodnum.f90: Nodal numbering routines
- coord.f90: Coordinate transformation routines
- defpar.f90: Parameter definition routines
- tsfun.f90: Basis function evaluation routines
- eikon.solv.f90: Eikonal equation solver
- printres.f90: Result printing routines
- ew.solv.f90: Electrowetting solver
- ew.paramsolv.f90: Electrowetting solver with parametric continuation
- ayl.paramsolv.f90: Augmented Young-Laplace solver with parametric continuation
- ayl.solv.f90: Augmented Young-Laplace solver
- cyl.solv.f90: Conventional Young-Laplace solver
Input Files:
- GlobalParameters.txt: Global parameters for the simulation
- AYLParameters.txt: Parameters for the Augmented Young-Laplace equation
- EIParameters.txt: Parameters for the Eikonal equation
- CYLParameters.txt: Parameters for the Conventional Young-Laplace equation
- ELParameters.txt: Parameters for the Electrowetting simulation
DropS is distributed under the terms of MIT License. © 2024 Nikolaos Chamakos.