is a parser generator for Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs). It takes a description of a grammar in PEG style and turns it into OCaml code that can then be included into any OCaml application. The parsing interface is similar to menhir.
Please have a look at the quickstart tutorial to get an idea of how to use Opeg
. Once you have understood it you can have a look at the grammar file describing the meta-grammar (i.e. the grammar of grammar files) in parser/parser.peg
There are two components to parser generation with Opeg
. The tool opeg
is the actual parser geneator. The generated code will make calls to functions from opegLib
. Both can be installed through opam:
opam pin add opegLib https://github.com/nikolaushuber/opeg.git -y
opam pin add opeg https://github.com/nikolaushuber/opeg.git -y
Once Opeg has reached a certain stability, it will also be available through the regular opam package repository.
opeg [file] -o [output]
If your grammar is in grammar.peg, then the following will produce the file parser.ml in the same directory:
opeg grammar.peg -o parser
If no output is defined, no code will be generated.
This repository defines two different tools, opeg and opeg_boot. Opeg_boot is used for bootstrapping the parser generator, it uses menhir to parse the grammar specification.
In order to start developing, you can do the following:
git clone https://github.com/nikolaushuber/opeg.git
cd opeg
opam switch create . ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.0 -y
opam pin . -y
This will install all dependencies and create both opeg and opeg_boot.
Bootstrap the grammar parserInclude convenience operators like ?, +, *Add support for left recursion(Direct left recursion supported)- Add detection and warning for other types of left recursion (or eventually support other types)
- Evaluate performance against menhir
- Try and see if we can use OCaml's Lazy module instead of hashtables
- Tune initial hashtable size
- Add an option to statically copy the opegLib code into the generated parser
This work was part of a project for a compiler construction course taken at KTH in Stockholm. The final report gives some insight into the implementation and some benchmarking results.