The task is to predict day-ahead prouduction curve of a hydro power plant. The following figure showcases an example daily curve:
- I always assume the prediction time to be at 00:00 of the previous day. At 31-Dec 00:00 I am making predictions for whole day 1-Jan 00:00 - 23:45. The time step t is 15 minutes long meaning there are 96 values to be predicted.
- Realized values used for prediction can only be from the previous day hence until 30-Dec 23:45. This applies to the completel daily curve prediction.
- Meteo features are used up until the point of prediction i.e. when predicting for 1-Jan 00:15, I use meteo features up until 1-Jan 00:15.
The project uses ploomber pipelining and has the following structure and tasks:
- mypy check for static typing
- testing task: data, methods...
- Variance of the observed target = huge, need to transform the target to do anything.
- (noisy target - hard for MSE loss functions etc etc...)
- most simple: averaging: hourly, daily -> some loss of information
- (IDEAS: filtering, GP transf.)
- daily mean transf. = significant loss of info, but doable for initial analysis
- full analysis in report: exploratory_target.ipynb
On daily, 1 step forward the residuals look good.
- NOTE: need to do 2 steps prediction, (curve prediction is day ahead)
- (every additional step, the error accumulates)
When I forward fill daily 2 step daily prediction into 15 minute target, the residuals look worse.
- hold out is always from 11-Nov-2021, hence two months dataset
- Multiple ways of model checking for final model, weekly walk forward, daily walk forward.
Improving the daily with additional features:
- cyclicals: month, week_of_year encoded with sin, cos - usable in linear models
- (note: month 12, close to month 1)
- lagged daily target by two - (day ahead prediction)
- model: simple RF with few estimators fitted on residuals of true-daily - arima-daily
- hyperparams chosen by CV
ARIMA + RF on DALY RMSE=125 kw
RF + ARIMA was worse even on the daily so I did not bother forward filling and checking 15 min.
Full experiments in exploratory_darts_daily.ipynb
- 340 something days is obv. too small for any complex RNNS.
- Wanted to try if darts framework is any good
- Very simple RNN on daily learns approximately my baseline arima(2,1,1)
- Tried adding meteo covariates as well - no improvement
Hourly Full experiments in exploratory_darts_cnn.ipynb, exploratory_darts_hourly.ipynb
- generally I found it difficult to encode the day ahead nature of the problem using darts
- either there were leaks of realized Values that should not be known at the time of prediction
- or the network did not learn anything significant.
- Experimented with loss functions, early stoppers etc in hydro-timeseries.pytorch_utils
- Possible route to take but requires much more time and regularization.
- too few data points
- TCN, RNNs hard to do on a laptop
- IDEAS: multioutput RNN for regularization [15min, hourly, daily] as a target vector.
- Focus on transforming the target,e.g. remove trend and explain the residuals using meteo + other vars
- Use SMAPE as a model selection metric instead of others.
The daily-arima(2,1,1) had the best error metrics hence I chose it as a transformer.
Transformed target
Full analysis in exloratory_meteo.ipynb
Multiplots - eyecheck for patterns between meteo and target
positive correlations:
- STRONG: rising temperature -> rising transpiration
- WEAK: higher snow_mean -> higher soil_moisture
- TARGET: soil moisture -> target
negative correlations:
- MEDIUM: drop in pressure -> high precip_mean (storm)
Significance is analyzed w.r.t. the transformed target with chosen transformer(i.e. arima-daily(2,1,1))
Top 10 raw meteo vars by abs correlation. soil_moisture, transpiration. Mostly stations 104, 81.
| soil_moisture_index_81 | 0.141967 |
| soil_moisture_index_104 | 0.140683 |
| soil_moisture_index_20 | 0.139955 |
| soil_moisture_index_134 | 0.135284 |
| soil_moisture_index_75 | 0.134490 |
| evapotranspiration_20 | 0.124984 |
| evapotranspiration_40 | 0.124436 |
| evapotranspiration_81 | 0.124313 |
| pressure_hpa_20 | 0.119161 |
| evapotranspiration_75 | 0.119053 |
(Tried means across meteo stations for simplicity of further processing - not a good idea. Loss of information.)
Results: Ordinary least squares
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.039
Dependent Variable: 0.0000 AIC: 87034.5648
Date: 2022-08-24 18:30 BIC: 87134.7059
No. Observations: 31104 Log-Likelihood: -43505.
Df Model: 11 F-statistic: 116.7
Df Residuals: 31092 Prob (F-statistic): 4.05e-263
R-squared: 0.040 Scale: 0.96071
Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.0000 0.0056 0.0000 1.0000 -0.0109 0.0109
temperature_mean 0.0674 0.0128 5.2602 0.0000 0.0423 0.0925
evapotranspiration_mean -0.1166 0.0137 -8.5238 0.0000 -0.1434 -0.0898
snow_mean 0.0230 0.0071 3.2265 0.0013 0.0090 0.0370
soil_moisture_mean 0.1617 0.0104 15.5221 0.0000 0.1413 0.1821
pressure_mean 0.1339 0.0060 22.2367 0.0000 0.1221 0.1457
precip_mean -0.0086 0.0057 -1.5177 0.1291 -0.0198 0.0025
sin_month 0.3159 0.0353 8.9583 0.0000 0.2468 0.3850
cos_month -0.2227 0.0392 -5.6795 0.0000 -0.2995 -0.1458
sin_week_of_year -0.2408 0.0363 -6.6308 0.0000 -0.3120 -0.1696
cos_week_of_year 0.1502 0.0388 3.8676 0.0001 0.0741 0.2263
value_detr_daily_lag2 -0.0227 0.0057 -3.9963 0.0001 -0.0338 -0.0116
Omnibus: 4088.449 Durbin-Watson: 0.090
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 17873.826
Skew: -0.586 Prob(JB): 0.000
Kurtosis: 6.524 Condition No.: 22
Initially the raw features explained only ~4% of variance.
Both manual and auto generated features.
- Manual features include
- ewms of all meteo, specific to station, mean, median across stations
- lagged meteo vars,
- lagged STL decomposition vars
- lagged Value vars(lag 2 due to day ahead)
- Datetime cyclicals sin, cos encoded
- ...
- Tried: MutualInformation, ExtraTreesSelector, LGBMSelector, Lasso, in combination with RFE
- Most stable: Lasso(higher alpha)
- Walk forward checking takes time so initially I chose models using weekly walk forward of prediction month over the final 3-4 months.
- i.e. validation set is 30% of the original
- This creates 13 folds -> some statistic about model perf better than none.
with the best model I then perform day by day walk forward prediction on the hold out.
note: weights are unscaled.
Added auto generated features using tsfresh windowing.
- windows were performed on hourly, 15 minute steps etc.. of both realized values and meteo.
- made sure to window correctly
- Value is windowed so that only D-1 and further back are known at the time of prediction for D+1
- meteo windowed including the latest value.
- I used the same Lasso var selection
- auto generated features did not improve the arima-ridge model.
- STL decomposition in feature-manual, add trend + seasonal + resid. Figure out the period.
- Self defined objective function for LGBM, smape?
- Multiple output NN for regularization - 15 min, 1 hourly, 1 daily.
- Parquet instead of CSV
- Long format instead of wide
- Gaussian process to model the daily curve
- Introduce temporality through prediction averaging:
- Daily - even true mean is not good enough
- Hourly?
- 30 minute avgs?
- Parametric models for the daily curve
- Filtering
- Other transforms for the noisy target
- ARIMA day ahead baseline - Done
- ridge-arima improves daily arima with meteo for 15 minutes - Done
- Gaussian process regressor - gpytorch
- LGBM with better loss func. (optimize smape more directly?)
- Multi output RNN - [15min, hourly, daily] - should regularize. (GRU)
- Bayesian net
- Tabnet
- LSTMs - perhaps infeasible, only ~400 days to train for the 96 sequence lengths.
Requires Miniconda.
sudo apt install graphviz
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate hydro-power-prediction
pip install -e .
ploomber task load-data
ploomber task run-tests
conda env export -n hydro-power-prediction -f environment.yml --no-builds
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda env update --file environment.yml --prune
ploomber build
ploomber plot --backend pygraphviz
Raw: Trial 61 finished with value: 167.14923047681353 and parameters: {'boosting': 'gbdt', 'n_estimators': 910, 'max_depth': 13, 'min_data_in_leaf': 10, 'lambda_l1': 3.0, 'lambda_l2': 3.0}. Best is trial 61 with value: 167.14923047681353.
To set up the project inside slurm cluster, do one of the following:
srun -p ipu --gres=ipu:1 --cpus-per-task 128 --pty bash -i