Master's degree in Computer Science. Interested and most experienced in web development. Mainly used React and PERN stack.
Web development: React, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Express, Next.js, Spring Boot.
Programming languages: Python, Java, C.
Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL.
Other: Git version control, Docker, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Trello project management tool, VSCode.
Twitter Thread Maker | Live page
Description: React app that slices a long message into tweetable parts for Twitter.
Used technologies: ReactJS, Material UI (MUI).
Online Forum
Description: A simple online forum built with MERN stack.
Used technologies: MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, Node.js and React Bootstrap.
Metrics Monitoring Tool 5.0 | Live page
Description: On group project course I was part of group of six students and we further developed Metrics Monitoring Tool (MMT) webpage's version 5.0. The page is used on university project courses to monitor the use of time and to report progress in projects.
Used technologies: CakePHP, HTML, CSS.
Reaktor pre-assignment 2023 - Birdnest | Live page
Description: Fetches data from API made by Reaktor (a company), stores and processes it in Node.js backend and sends it to ReactJS frontend. The data is imaginary data about drones violating no drone zone around birdnest.
Used technologies: ReactJS, Node.js, Express.