- LinkedIn: Nidhish Nayak
- Twitter: @nidhish_nayak
- Gmail: nidhibelthangady@gmail.com
- 📈 Trendz: Fully tested & documented app with a separate backend and database that can easily scale to millions.
- 🔀 Plottwist: An AI-powered story generator built with
Supabase hackathon team which got us 2nd place in
Best use of AI
category. - Fabric-Clothing: E-Commerce app that supports payment gateway and helpful for new devs to learn complex state management (check other branches to see more).
- Payment Gateway: Payment feature for the above application using Express and Node with minimal code.
- Freelance: A portfolio made for freelance work. Uses astro for insane loading speeds with CMS support, SSR and more.
- Currently working full-time as a Software Engineer at Accenture.
- I use Neovim as my primary editor 💻.
- My personal setup configuration in case you want to check it out config/nvim.
- I write blog posts on nidhish-blog, check it out!
⚡ Fun fact: I like to draw perspective art!