- several small bug fixes.
- pinned numpy to < 1.16.0 for pip installs to work
- deprecated image.display_stats
- fixed wv4 ndvi_bands
- fixes for s3 upload logic and documentation
- rda types of byte are now uint8 so the reported dtype matches data dtype when fetched
- New vector styles and style expressions for mapping vectors via
- RDA based images can now be materialized to s3 via
- added a materialize_status method for checking jobs
- refactored the vector map methods to make use of a shared mapping template
- Added method for checking if a catalog ID has been ordered (
) - Added method for checking if a catalog ID can be acomp'd (
- Depricated the base_layer_match method, now user .rgb(histogram="match")
- Updated docs for image classes
- changed window_at to accept window_shape for parity with other windowing methods
- When images fail to successfully fetch an image tile from RDA, an error is now thrown
- Added TemplateImage for rendering template id with params from RDA
- using RDA's DRA operator for image.preview()
- removes overlap warning when an AOI is partially beyond image extent, replaced with warning for fully disjoin AOIs
- use RadionmetricDRA instead of HistogramDRA
- Added window_cover method
- Fixes for TmsImage bounds
- Adding spec='rgb' to geotiff creation
- Cleaned up image class examples with latest code
- Added the ability to pansharpen landsat and ikonos imagery
- fixed bug with geotiff method on imagery requiring spec
- cleaned up deprecation code to ignore deprecations from other dependencies
- changing
for landsat imagery - fix for calling geotransform.rev from inside warp with a numpy array
- plot fixes for histogram='ignore'
- ipe deprecation fixes
- Deprecated the use of ipe and IPE and replaced with rda/RDA
- wrapped the dask method rechunk to return an instance of GeoDaskArray
- fixed bug with single value indexing of imagery
- Added support for radarsat imagery.
- fixed a bug in how we return results from
- now returns tuples instead of ndarrays - added method
to return windows centered on a location of a given pixel x/y size - searching catalogIDs with keywords in CatalogImages
- Fixed a band selection issue in image previews
- changed the way we talked to the Openlayers objects in preview
- Added a BrowseImage class for fetching and indexing browse imagery by catalogIDs
- rgb and plot methods support base layer matching via browse imagery via the
- fix for missing import in geo mixin
- Fixed preview map scales and offset for better colors
- Refactored geo/plot mixin to support better band index calcs
- fixed passing bands to plot method for 3 band and 1 band plots
- Wrapping map_blocks to return geodaskimages instead of a dask array
- Fixing the calls to tiles inside the preview method so preview will work again
- Fixes the return xmin/ymin in slice_padded, was lost in the refactor. Edge case padding of image collars.
- added support for controlling the clipping of pixel bounds to the image extent
- Casting task env ports to lists so they can be serialized in gbdx notebooks.
- Fixed IdahoImage spec="1b" and protecting RDAGeoAdapter from missing georef metadata (for 1b access)
- WV04 Image support
- Sentinel data supprt via CatalogImage, but must pass a recordID.
- Refactored the image class core dask pattern
- No longer building complex graphs for Worldview, using DigitalGlobeStrip RDA operator
- Dropped support for passing in "product" to various image classes
- fixes geotransform shift when padding indexes images
- fixes affine geotransform rev off-by-one rounding error
- Removing calls to idaho.timbr.io for metadata
- Using the ipe.TOAReflectance Op
- Support for Acomp on WV2, WV3, QB02, and GE01 image classes
- pin dask to 0.16.0 and fix subclasshook in images/meta
- respect image bucket names correctly
- removing requirement for rasterio
- trimming dask graphs when spatially indexing images
- support for sentinel2 images
- better error reporting for missing metadata and missing/corrupt catalog data
- bug fixes
- pinning to dask 0.15.4
- pinning dask to 0.15.2
- misc bug fixes
- using dask.store for mutlithreaded geotiff creation
- retry functionality for Ipe Image classes
- dask delayed client side reprojection and orthorectification via warp
- global dask threadpool for
operations - gsd support for mosaic op based images
- handling of errors in workflow status calls
- misc bugfixes
- fix to enable proper installation via pypi
- upgrading to new dask version support (dask >= 0.15.1)
- using the new pattern for image classes
- fixes for creating geotiffs from images
- orthorectify parameters bugfix
- dtype fix for the to_geotiff method
- Handle ipe image metadata errors
- more verbose error when idaho cannot download chip
- Minor patch to use new serverside IPE ids
- Fix signals exception handling for Windows OS.
- add LandsatImage class
- pin version of dask====0.13.0
- Add optional index parameter to vector aggregations
- Add in vector aggregation support (see examples/vectors_aggregation.py)
- Default vector service classes to use catalog indexes instead of the searching through all documents
- Adds CatalogImage and IdahoImage classes
- upgrade gbdx-auth==0.2.4. Allows env vars for gbdx authentication
- fix #99 and #100
- upgrade to catalog/v2 usage
- fix for breaking change in VectorService
- Added new task_registry.update() function to update tasks in place
- refactored the way auth is handled in gbdxtools.interface into a singleton pattern to support direct importing of module classes. Classes can now auth themselves.
- update gbdx.vectors.query() to be able to return more than 1000 results (uses paging service on the backend)
- new function gbdx.vectors.query_iteratively() that returns a generator instead of a list. Useful if a lot of results.
- update gbdx-auth to 0.2.2: allows new env var GBDX_ACCESS_TOKEN
- add "host" parameter to interface kwargs for dev purposes
- add workflow callback support: wf = workflow([task], callback='callback_url')
- shorten task name UUIDs to 8 characters for readability
- add gbdx.ordering.heartbeat() function
- add workflow.stdout, workflow.stderr, workflow.task_ids
- add gbdx.workflow.get_stdout(), gbdx.workflow.get_stderr(), gbdx.workflow.get()
- upgrade requests version
- Added get_tms_layers function to idaho module
- Fix a bug in batchworkflow expansion
- Update batchworkflows in simpleworkflow to use new jinja templating
- Get image chip from catalog id and rectangle
- Removed shapely from dependencies
- Updated leaflet javascript links in leafletmap_template which is used to create idaho slippy maps
- Add gbdx.vectors.query, gbdx.vectors.create, and gbdx.vectors.create_from_wkt
- simpleworkflows.savedata now uses persist flag
- s3.download maintains directory structure
- Can now set impersonation_allowed flag
- Fixed batch workflow bugs
- Handle case where output port description is absent
- Added support for image location API orders.location()
- handle case of spurious keys in s3.download()
- add TaskRegistry class to Interface
- add format & bands parameters to get_idaho_chip_url() function
- add get_idaho_chip_url function
- bugfix in idaho.describe_idaho_images function (was showing wrong sensorPlatformName)
- Add gbdx.catalog.get() and gbdx.catalog.get_strip_metadata()
- Fix bug in simpleworkflow status
- Fix bumpversioning bug.
- Python 3 support (3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
- Batch workflow creation supported. When you send in an array of values to a workflow input, a batch workflow is automatically created.
- Fix bug with multiplex port assignment.
- Fix bug with output multiplex ports. Now the root multiplex port is not added to the workflow launched unless another input from another task explicitly refers to it.
- quick change to catalog.get_most_recent_images(): now it takes a list of catalog results as an argument.
- Added multiplex output support to simpleworkflow tasks.
- catalog.search_address() and catalog.search_point() now take the same search filtering parameters as catalog.search(). As a breaking-change side effect, catalog.search_address() and catalog.search_point() now return a list of results, rather than a result-set dictionary. Also, rather than a singular 'type' parameter, they now both take a list of types in the 'types' argument.
- Added task timeout control to simepleworkflow tasks.
- Added multiplex input port support to simpleworkflow tasks.
- Added ability to get events from simpleworkflows module:
- Correct band ordering in the idaho leaflet map viewer
- Upgrade to gbdx-auth 0.1.3 which fixes a token refresh bug