⭐ This is the final release of IskoTool, a planning and productivity app.
The UAT was accomplished to validate the functional goals and usability of IskoTool.
The final features of the app are:
⏲Pomodoro Timer
- Start the timer in three modes: work mode (25 minutes), short break mode (5 minutes), long break mode (20 minutes)
- Create a custom mode with a custom duration
- Choose a ringtone that will play when the timer runs out (two choices: digital alarm sound or a bell sound)
- Save custom modes to localStorage
- Create, edit and delete notes, with emoji input capability
- Word count and character count
- Pin notes to the start of the list (as well as unpin)
- Search your notes
- Save your notes to localStorage
📅Planner and Calendar
- Planner View: compresses the calendar into a 7-day view relative to the current day
- Create, edit and delete events
- Four event types: General, Birthday, and Appointment, and Holiday
- Togglable search bar: click the magnifying glass icon to start up an event search
- Jump to the current date, to a specified month and year, or to an existing event
- Save events to localStorage
☑ To-do List
- Add an item by entering a name and pressing Enter
- Complete an item by clicking the checkbox. Completed items will be sent to the bottom of the list
🏠 Dashboard
- See a preview of upcoming events for the day and for the month
- See the current time and date
- Navigate back to the dashboard from each page through a home icon in the top left