A base project including:
- React v16.x
- Redux
- React Router
- Typescript
- Express server for server-side rendering and API endpoints
- Client-side and server-side hot reloading for developement
- Webpack with Babel for client and server side code compilation
- TSLint
- Prettier
- SASS with PostCSS for CSS processing
- Jest and Enzyme for unit testing
Here you can provide more details about the project
- What features does your project provide?
- Short motivation for the project? (Don't be too long winded)
- Links to the project site
Show some example code to describe what your project does
Show some of your APIs
This section should provide instructions for other developers to
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Describe what software and libraries you will need to install in order to build and use this project. Provide details on how to resolve these dependencies.
Remember: git-lfs is a dependency that developers will need to resolve before they can get started with a repo using LFS.
Examples should be included
Include a link to your github reposistory (you have no idea how people will findy our code), and also a summary of how to clone.
This project is hosted on GitHub. You can clone this project directly using this command:
git clone git@github.com:embeddedartistry/embedded-resources.git
Instructions for how to build your project
Examples should be included
Describe how to run unit tests for your project.
Examples should be included
If you have formatting checks, coding style checks, or static analysis tests that must pass before changes will be considered, add a section for those and provide instructions
Instructions for how to install your project's build artifacts
Examples should be included
Instructions for using your project. Ways to run the program, how to include it in another project, etc.
Examples should be included
If your project provides an API, either provide details for usage in this document or link to the appropriate API reference documents