Kafka Security Manager (KSM) allows you to manage your Kafka ACLs at scale by leveraging an external source as the source of truth. Zookeeper just contains a copy of the ACLs instead of being the source.
There are several advantages to this:
- Kafka administration is done outside of Kafka: anyone with access to the external ACL source can manage Kafka Security
- Prevents intruders: if someone were to add ACLs to Kafka using the CLI, they would be reverted by KSM within 10 seconds.
- Full auditability: KSM provides the guarantee that ACLs in Kafka are those in the external source. Additionally, if for example your external source is GitHub, then PRs, PR approvals and commit history will provide Audit the full log of who did what to the ACLs and when
- Notifications: KSM can notify external channels (such as Slack) in order to give feedback to admins when ACLs are changed. This is particularly useful to ensure that 1) ACL changes are correctly applied 2) ACL are not changed in Kafka directly.
Your role is to ensure that Kafka Security Manager is never down, as it is now a custodian of your ACL.
A sample CSV to manage ACL is:
Important Note: As of KSM 0.4, a new column PatternType
has been added to match the changes that happened in Kafka 2.0. This enables KSM to manage LITERAL
ACLs. See #28
Current sources shipping with KSM include:
- File
- GitHub
- BitBucket
- Amazon S3
- Build your own (and contribute back!)
sbt clean test
sbt universal:stage
This is a Scala app and therefore should run on the JVM like any other application
By using the JAR dependency, you can create your own SourceAcl
SNAPSHOTS artifacts are deployed to Sonatype
RELEASES artifacts are deployed to Maven Central:
(see Maven Central for the latest version
libraryDependencies += "com.github.simplesteph" %% "kafka-security-manager" % "version"
Make sure the app is using a property file and launch options similar to your broker so that it can
- Authenticate to Zookeeper using secure credentials (usually done with JAAS)
- Apply Zookeeper ACL if enabled
Kafka Security Manager does not connect to Kafka.
Sample run for a typical SASL Setup:
target/universal/stage/bin/kafka-security-manager -Djava.security.auth.login.config=conf/jaas.conf
Where conf/jaas.conf
contains something like:
Client {
com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
When configured authorizer class is com.github.simplesteph.ksm.compat.AdminClientAuthorizer
will use kafka admin client instead of direct zookeeper connection.
Configuration example would be
KafkaClient {
org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required
For a list of configuration see application.conf. You can customise them using environment variables or create your own application.conf
file and pass it at runtime doing:
target/universal/stage/bin/kafka-security-manager -Dconfig.file=path/to/config-file.conf
Overall we use the lightbend config library to configure this project.
The default configurations can be overwritten using the following environment variables:
: enables KSM to synchronize from an External ACL source. The default value istrue
, which prevents KSM from altering ACLs in Zookeeper -
: enable extract mode (get all the ACLs from Kafka formatted as a CSV) -
: how often to check for changes in ACLs in Kafka and in the Source. 10000 ms by default -
: authorizer class for ACL operations. Default isSimpleAclAuthorizer
: zookeeper connection stringAUTHORIZER_ZOOKEEPER_SET_ACL=true
): set to true if you want your ACLs in Zookeeper to be secure (you probably do want them to be secure) - when in doubt set as the same as your Kafka brokers.
No-zookeeper authorizer class on top of Kafka Admin Client is bundled with KSM as
, configured with options fororg.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClientConfig
, an id to pass to the server when making requests, for tracing/audit purposes, defaultkafka-security-manager
Properties below are not provided to client unless environment variable is set:ADMIN_CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS
- alternative to system jaas configurationADMIN_CLIENT_SASL_MECHANISM
: Source class. Valid values includecom.github.simplesteph.ksm.source.NoSourceAcl
(default): No source for the ACLs. Only use withKSM_READONLY=true
: get the ACL source from a file on disk. Good for POCcom.github.simplesteph.ksm.source.GitHubSourceAcl
: get the ACL from GitHub. Great to get started quickly and store the ACL securely under version control.com.github.simplesteph.ksm.source.S3SourceAcl
: get the ACL from S3. Good for when you have a S3 bucket managed by Terraform or Cloudformation. This requiresregion
. See Access credentials for credentials management.SOURCE_S3_REGION
The Object containing the ACL CSV in S3
: get the ACL from Bitbucket Server using the v1 REST API. Great if you have private repos in Bitbucket.
: Class for notification in case of ACL changes in Kafka.com.github.simplesteph.ksm.notification.ConsoleNotification
(default): Print changes to the console. Useful for loggingcom.github.simplesteph.ksm.notification.SlackNotification
: Send notifications to a Slack channel (useful for devops / admin team)
: Change the delimiter character for the CSV Parser (useful when you have SSL)
Alternatively, you can get the automatically built Docker images on Docker Hub
(read above for configuration details)
Then apply to the docker run using for example (in EXTRACT mode):
docker run -it -e AUTHORIZER_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT="zookeeper-url:2181" -e KSM_EXTRACT=true \
Any of the environment variables described above can be used by the docker run command with the -e
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs kafka-security-manager
# view the logs, have fun changing example/acls.csv
docker-compose down
For full usage of the docker-compose file see kafka-stack-docker-compose
You can initially extract all your existing ACL in Kafka by running the program with the config extract=true
or export KSM_EXTRACT=true
Output should look like:
[2018-03-06 21:49:44,704] INFO Running ACL Extraction mode (ExtractAcl)
[2018-03-06 21:49:44,704] INFO Getting ACLs from Kafka (ExtractAcl)
[2018-03-06 21:49:44,704] INFO Closing Authorizer (ExtractAcl)
You can then use place this CSV anywhere and use it as your source of truth.
To activate this feature, set FEATURE_GRPC=true
Kafka Security Manager exposes a GRPC endpoint to be consumed by external systems. The use case is to build a UI on top of KSM or some level of automation.
By default KSM binds to port 50051, but you can configure this using the GRPC_PORT
environment variable.
By default KSM binds to port 50052, but you can configure this using the GRPC_GATEWAY_PORT
environment variable.
This provides a REST API to consume data from KSM. Swagger definition is provided at src/main/resources/specs/KsmService.yml
The API is defined according to the proto file in src/main/protobuf/
TODO: Mention to look for inter broker protocol version before doing this
KSM Version | Kafka Version | Notes |
0.8-SNAPSHOT | 2.1.1 | |
0.7 | 2.1.1 | Kafka Based ACL refresher available (no zookeeper dependency) |
0.6 | 2.0.0 | important stability fixes - please update |
0.5 | 2.0.0 | |
0.4 | 2.0.0 | important change: added column 'PatternType' in CSV |
0.3 | 1.1.x | |
0.2 | 1.1.x | upgrade to 0.3 recommended |
0.1 | 1.0.x | might work for earlier versions |
You can break the API / configs as long as we haven't reached 1.0. Each API break would introduce a new version number.
PRs are welcome, especially with the following:
- Code refactoring / cleanup / renaming
- External Sources for ACLs (JDBC, Microsoft AD, etc...)
- Notification Channels (Email, etc...)
Please open an issue before opening a PR.