We can test the application by invoking the following command:
npm test
The application will be invoked by using the following command:
node index.js
- Install inquirer package
- Create index javascript file prompting input for users
- Create generateHTML javascript file writing data to generated HTML file
- Create class for each team member
- Create test for each class
- Stylize with bootstrap
Specific functions of index.js:
Order of operation when running node index
const manager = new Manager(answers.name, answers.id, answers.email, answers.officeNumber);
team.splice(team.length-1, 0, manager.getHTML());
Retrieve and push data to generate HTML roster
function printHTML(team){
fs.writeFile("team.html", team.toString(), (err) => {
if(err) {
throw err;
console.log("Team formulated. Loading roster...");
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Your roster has been made!");
}, "1500")
Specific functions of generateHTML.js
const compHeader = function () {
return `header of team roster with cdn links`
const compManager = function (data) {
return `manager card with ${data.name}, ${data.id}, mailable ${data.email}, and ${data.officeNumber}`
const compEngineer = function (data) {
return `engineer card with ${data.name}, ${data.id}, mailable ${data.email}, and openable ${data.github}`
const compIntern = function (data) {
return `intern card with ${data.name}, ${data.id}, mailable ${data.email}, and ${data.school}`
const compFooter = function () {
return `footer of team roster with jQuery and sortable function`
After dynamically coding our prompts along with our helper function to generate HTML, we were able to provide an engaging, efficient, and stuctured Node.js application that generates a team profile.
This project was uploaded to GitHub at the following repository link: https://github.com/nhanng19/team_generator
Walkthrough video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ci7bxKG6iobPDpliKT8-6gBYTkCGsD5i/view