IQMediaPickerController allows user to capture Videos, Images and Audio using AVFoundation framework. It also allows user to pick Videos, Images and Audio from the iPhone photo and media library.
IQMediaPickerController contains 3 library IQMediaCaptureController, IQAssetsPickerController & IQAudioPickerController. All libraries are separate from the others, so if you want to integrate any one of them, you can copy only required library without copying others.
IQMediaCaptureController is used to capture multiple images, videos and audio.
IQAssetsPickerController is used to pick multiple images & videos from the iPhone photo gallery.
IQAudioPickerController is used to pick multiple audio files from the iPhone music library.
Allows user to capture 3 types of media.
Allows user to pick 3 types of media.
Allows picking or capturing multiple media files at once.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Any contribution is more than welcome! You can contribute through pull requests and issues on GitHub.
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