diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 6a48db1e..2a13eb5e 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,60 +1,28 @@
-**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*
-- [5.0.0](#500)
-- [4.0.0](#400)
-- [3.3.2](#332)
-- [3.3.1 [BROKEN]](#331-broken)
-- [3.3.0](#330)
-- [3.2.3](#323)
-- [3.2.2](#322)
-- [3.2.1 [BROKEN]](#321-broken)
-- [3.2.0 [BROKEN]](#320-broken)
-- [3.1.0](#310)
-- [3.0.2](#302)
-- [3.0.1](#301)
-- [3.0.0](#300)
-- [2.3.1](#231)
-- [2.3.0](#230)
-- [2.2.0](#220)
-- [2.1.1](#211)
-- [2.1.0](#210)
-- [2.0.0](#200)
-- [1.1.5](#115)
-- [1.1.4](#114)
-- [1.1.3](#113)
-- [1.1.2](#112)
-- [1.1.1](#111)
-- [1.1.0](#110)
-- [1.0.1](#101)
-- [1.0.0](#100)
-## 5.0.0
+# [5.0.0](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet/compare/4.0.0...v5.0.0) (2017-03-21)
+### Features
- New Simplified API (fully backward-compatible) - Helmet now takes plain HTML tags for the majority of the API with just a few remaining props for Helmet - retaining `titleTemplate`, `defaultTitle`, `onChangeClientState`, and one new - `encodeSpecialCharacters` - refer to README for details. Directly passing Helmet props will be deprecated in the future. [(#246)](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet/pull/246)
- `requestIdleCallback` utilized to consolidate DOM changes and makes these non-blocking for things like animations. Fixes first client-side render not matching server-side render. Maintains one DOM change between route changes on the client-side as well. [(#248)](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet/pull/248)
- On server-side, `Helmet.renderStatic()` aliased to `Helmet.rewind()` for more clarity. `rewind` will be deprecated in the future.
- Yarn support
-## 4.0.0
+# 4.0.0
+### Features
- Replacing PlainComponent with stateless functional component `NullComponent`, with a hard requirement to use React 15 or higher.
-## 3.3.2
+# 3.3.2
+### Bugfixes
- Removed stateless functional component `NullComponent` because of it's incompatibility with React 14 and reverted back to PlainComponent.
-## 3.3.1 [BROKEN]
+# 3.3.1 [BROKEN]
+### Bugfixes
- README updates - npm badge and helmet image
- Bump react-side-effect to 1.1.0
@@ -62,17 +30,17 @@ Bugfixes:
- Refactored code - cut lines of code and used `reduce` to simplify functions
- Replaced PlainComponent with NullComponent (now within Helmet.js)
-## 3.3.0
+# 3.3.0
+### Features
- `itemprop` available in meta tags
- New API - `titleAttributes` to add attributes to the title tag
- `class` support for html tag
-## 3.2.3
+# 3.2.3
+### Bugfixes
- applied previous fix (undefined value for primary attribute key) to base tag
- fix htmlAttributes fallback value when calling rewind() on blank Helmet
@@ -80,27 +48,27 @@ Bugfixes:
- babel configuration moved into .babelrc
- eslint configuration moved into .eslintrc
-## 3.2.2
+# 3.2.2
+### Bugfixes
- Removed breaking changes `jsnext:main` and `module` from package.json. `es` version required special babel configuration for end users and needs to be re-thought for major release.
- Reverted `canUseDOM` setter in `Helmet.js`, as this was a breaking change for some users.
- [fix] runtime error when providing undefined value for primary attribute key (applies to meta, link, script, noscript, style)
-## 3.2.1 [BROKEN]
+# 3.2.1 [BROKEN]
+### Bugfixes
- Removing "engines" field in package.json.
-## 3.2.0 [BROKEN]
+# 3.2.0 [BROKEN]
+### Features
- `