Logistic Regression on Melatonin Biodata by Nicolas Bouché (nicolas.bouche@univ-lyon1.fr).
This is the algorithm used to make the figures used in the analysis in Bouché & McConway, Bioelectromagnetics 2019 (in press).
It uses PyMC3 and requires python2.7 or 3.5 (in a virtual environment). See INSTALL for instruction.
The figures of the paper can be made using the script below.
It is archived under https://zenodo.org/record/3250993 or https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3250993
cd logistic-bioem;
from logistic import run_all
to recreate the figures from the paper use
cd logistic-bioem;
python logistic/run_all.py paper/
In addition, it is possible to experiment with the outlier rejection as follows
python logistic/run_all.py path_to_save --format Robust_LR #to use robust LR
python logistic/run_all.py path_to_save --format Robust_LR05 #to use robust LR with p_out=0.5
python logistic/run_all.py path_to_save --format default #to turnoff robust_LR
To rerun the figures without running the Baeysian code:
python logistic/run_all.py paper/ --read
This should create the macro file and the 5 figures.
cd paper
pdflatex bfield_bioem; bibtex bfield_bioem; pdflatex bfield_bioem; pdflatex bfield_bioem
Please send bug report and/or issues with installation to nicolas.bouche@univ-lyon1.fr