This project classifies chemicals as Estrogenic or Non-Estrogenic using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Machine Learning (ML). The system takes text or image input, extracts chemical information via OCR, and processes it through an ML model. The deployment is handled using Streamlit for an interactive user interface.
Input: Chemical name (via text or image)
- Extract text from images using OCR (Tesseract/Pytesseract)
- Preprocess the extracted text for ML classification
- Classify chemicals using a trained ML model
Output: Classification as Estrogenic or Non-Estrogenic
Deployment: Interactive Streamlit web application
git clone
cd Estrogenic
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
- Upload an Image: The system extracts chemical names using OCR and classifies them.
- Enter Chemical Name: Direct text input for classification.
- The application displays whether the chemical is Estrogenic or Non-Estrogenic.
- Confidence scores and additional details are provided.