This is a simple and easy way for you to interact with Harbor.
- The structures inside the harbor.go were all imported from goharbor/harbor
- Projects() (res []models.Project, err error)
- Repositories(projectName string) (res []models.RepoRecord, err error)
- Artifacts(projectName string, repositoryName string) (res []artifact.Artifact, err error)
- Tags(projectName string, repositoryName string) (res []*tag.Tag, err error)
- References(projectName string, repositoryName string, digestOrTag string) (res artifact.Artifact, err error)
- Watch(opt Option) (watch.Interface, error), watch implements the, and it watches and compares the image's sha256 by the specific tag
h := NewHarbor(url, admin, password)
res, err := h.Projects()
- add api pagination in the future