This check list is to assist developers who are new to the SANS backend software project as the onboarding process.
A new developer, who joins the SANS backend software project, shall need to have or request access to the environments and tools. There is a contact person for requesting access in each section.
Project managers
- John Hetrick
- Peter F. Peterson
drtSANS repository
- URL:
- You will need permission to commit changes
- If you don't have access, please contact the project managers(s).
Slack channels/Onboarding buddy # sae-neutrons
Please contact the Project Managers for the access to the slack channel. The project managers will know who to send an email to requesting access to our neutron slack channels. There may be more than one and if the person is outside CSMD that is a special invite.
SNS analysis cluster account and integration data access
drtSANS is designed for users to process SANS data on SNS analysis cluster or on SNS jupyter hub. Therefore, drtSANS shall be tested on SNS analysis cluster.
- Analysis cluster web access URL:
- Jupyter hub access URL:
- Analysis cluter server address:
- Portions of the test suite requires read and write access to /SNS/EQSANS/shared/sans-backend on SNS analysis cluster.
- If you have any issue with accessiblity, please contact the project managers(s).
Access to SNS archive data
SNS and HFIR SANS data files are relatively large. Developers are expected to work with the raw data files residing on the SNS/HFIR data archive. Therefore it is necessary for drtSANS developers to access /SNS/EQSANS, /HFIR/CG2/ and /HFIR/CG3.
- Access can be required by emailing SNS Linux support ( and cc-ing neutron project managers and your group leader.
Status meeting
- All developers shall attend morning neutron status meeting.
- Contact project managers to be invited.
Refer to section Set-up for development in a virtual environment in :doc:`README_developer <README_developer>`.
The site can be build directly using
$ sphinx-build -b html docs/ build/sphinx/html
$ python build_sphinx
How to develop codes in drtSANS shall follow the instruction in CONTRIBUTION.
Test driven Development
drtSANS development follows test-driven development (TDD) process [1]. All software requirements for SANS data reduction shall be converted to test cases before software is fully developed. All software developments are tracked by repeatedly testing the software against all test cases.
Unit test
All methods and modules shall have unit tests implemented. Unit tests are located in repo/tests/unit/new. A unit test shall be created in the corresponding directory to the method or module that it tests against.
Integration test
Integration test will test the combination of Individual modules and methods. Integration tests can be
- general for all instrument, for instance tests/integration/new/drtsans/
- specific to a suite of similar instruments, for instance tests/integration/new/drtsans/mono/ for all mono-wavelength instruments including Bio-SANS and GP-SANS.
- specific to an individual instrument, for instance, tests/integration/new/drtsans/mono/gpsans/ for GP-SANS and tests/integration/new/drtsans/tof/eqsans/ for EQ-SANS.
Testing data location
Refer to section Testing data location in :doc:`README_developer <README_developer>`.
SANS Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is an experimental technique that uses elastic neutron scattering at small scattering angles to investigate the structure of various substances at a mesoscopic scale of about 1–100 nm.
Data reduction tool for small angle neutron scattering.
- numpy:
- Mantid:,
- Others: h5py, docutils, jsonschema, lmfit, matplotlib, mpld3, numexpr, pandas, sortedcontainers, tinydb, ipywidgets
- For unit and integration tests: pytest, pytest-xdist
- For documentation: sphinx, sphinxcontrib-napoleon,
- For linting and formatting: ruff which is configred in pre-commit