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Releases: neuromechanist/eLocs

Minor bug fix for the 3D scan digitization

12 Mar 17:21
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Fixed a minor bug regarding channel labels. Check the commit for the details.
Thanks to Anna McGough for pointing out the problem.

Motion capture support added

09 Mar 18:56
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Added motion capture support using a new function, "mocapDigitization.m". A sample motion capture file is also added to the sample folder for reference, so you will ideally be able to run the code with the existing sample.
Also, I noticed a bug in probe digitization function which is corrected now.

Support for single color scans

08 Oct 18:42
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One example of a single-color 3D head model has been added to the sample folder (/ThreeD/S2).
Also, minor bugs for importing scanned models in .ply format have been removed. Please note that the current FieldTrip toolbox does not support color as a part of .ply model.

First release for MATLAB R2017b+

30 Sep 18:55
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This is an EEG electrode digitization pipeline using 3D scanners or a motion capture probe.