diff --git a/tests/compile/test_fusion.py b/tests/compile/test_fusion.py
index 2ad3504bd3bfe..2ce5c730ef62a 100644
--- a/tests/compile/test_fusion.py
+++ b/tests/compile/test_fusion.py
@@ -14,12 +14,52 @@
 from .backend import TestBackend
+# TODO temp
+                         mutates_args=("result", "scale"))
+def rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant(result: torch.Tensor, input: torch.Tensor,
+                               weight: torch.Tensor, scale: torch.Tensor,
+                               epsilon: float) -> None:
+    result_rms = torch.empty_like(input)
+    torch.ops._C.rms_norm(result_rms, input, weight, epsilon)
+    torch.ops._C.dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant(result, result_rms, scale)
+def _(result: torch.Tensor, input: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
+      scale: torch.Tensor, epsilon: float):
+    return None
+                         mutates_args=("result", "residual", "scale"))
+def fused_add_rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant(result: torch.Tensor,
+                                         input: torch.Tensor,
+                                         residual: torch.Tensor,
+                                         weight: torch.Tensor,
+                                         scale: torch.Tensor,
+                                         epsilon: float) -> None:
+    torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm(input, residual, weight, epsilon)
+    torch.ops._C.dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant(result, input, scale)
+def _(result: torch.Tensor, input: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
+      scale: torch.Tensor, epsilon: float):
+    return None
 class TestModel(torch.nn.Module):
-    def __init__(self, hidden_size: int, eps: float, *args, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, hidden_size: int, eps: float, static: bool, *args,
+                 **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.norm = [RMSNorm(hidden_size, eps) for _ in range(3)]
-        self.scale = [torch.rand(1, dtype=torch.float32) for _ in range(4)]
+        self.wscale = [torch.rand(1, dtype=torch.float32) for _ in range(2)]
+        if static:
+            self.scale = [torch.rand(1, dtype=torch.float32) for _ in range(2)]
+        else:
+            self.scale = [None for _ in range(2)]
         self.w = [
             torch.rand(hidden_size, hidden_size).to(dtype=FP8_DTYPE).t()
             for _ in range(2)
@@ -29,11 +69,11 @@ def forward(self, x):
         resid = torch.relu(x)
         y = self.norm[0](x)
-        x2 = apply_fp8_linear(y, self.w[0], self.scale[0], self.scale[1])
+        x2 = apply_fp8_linear(y, self.w[0], self.wscale[0], self.scale[0])
         # make sure resid is used for replacement to work
         y2, resid = self.norm[1](x2, resid)
-        x3 = apply_fp8_linear(y2, self.w[1], self.scale[2], self.scale[3])
+        x3 = apply_fp8_linear(y2, self.w[1], self.wscale[1], self.scale[1])
         y3, resid = self.norm[2](x3, resid)  # use resid here
         return y3
@@ -48,15 +88,16 @@ def forward(self, x):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("hidden_size", [64, 3392, 4096])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_tokens", [7, 256, 533, 2048, 2049])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("eps", [1e-5, 1e-6])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("static", [True, False])
 @pytest.mark.skipif(envs.VLLM_TARGET_DEVICE != "cuda",
                     reason="Only test on CUDA")
-def test_fusion_rmsnorm_quant(dtype, hidden_size, num_tokens, eps):
+def test_fusion_rmsnorm_quant(dtype, hidden_size, num_tokens, eps, static):
     # Reshape pass is needed for the fusion pass to work
     backend = TestBackend(reshape_pass, fusion_pass)
-    model = TestModel(hidden_size, eps)
+    model = TestModel(hidden_size, eps, static)
     # First dimension dynamic
     x = torch.rand(num_tokens, hidden_size)
@@ -74,9 +115,14 @@ def test_fusion_rmsnorm_quant(dtype, hidden_size, num_tokens, eps):
     pre_nodes = backend.graph_pre_pass.nodes
     post_nodes = backend.graph_post_pass.nodes
-    rms_quant = torch.ops._C.rms_norm_static_fp8_quant.default
-    add_rms_quant = torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm_static_fp8_quant.default
-    fp8_quant = torch.ops._C.static_scaled_fp8_quant.default
+    if static:
+        rms_quant = torch.ops._C.rms_norm_static_fp8_quant.default
+        add_rms_quant = torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm_static_fp8_quant.default  # noqa: E501
+        fp8_quant = torch.ops._C.static_scaled_fp8_quant.default
+    else:
+        rms_quant = torch.ops._C.rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant.default
+        add_rms_quant = torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant.default  # noqa: E501
+        fp8_quant = torch.ops._C.dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant.default
     # In pre-nodes, fp8 quant should be present and fused kernels should not
     assert find_auto_fn_maybe(pre_nodes, rms_quant) is None
diff --git a/vllm/compilation/fusion.py b/vllm/compilation/fusion.py
index fe18f297c79e4..dfdb86af04a94 100644
--- a/vllm/compilation/fusion.py
+++ b/vllm/compilation/fusion.py
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ def insert_auto_fn(self, op, kwargs):
 RMS_ADD_OP = torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm.default
 QUANT_STATIC_FP8_OP = torch.ops._C.static_scaled_fp8_quant.default
+QUANT_DYNAMIC_FP8_OP = torch.ops._C.dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant.default
 class RMSNormQuantPattern:
@@ -312,6 +313,198 @@ def process(self):
             fused_node.meta["val"] = (None, quant_tup[1], rms_tup[2])
+class RMSNormDynamicFP8QuantPattern(RMSNormQuantPattern):
+    def register(self, pm_pass: PatternMatcherPass,
+                 record_match: Callable[[MultiOutputMatch], bool]):
+        def pattern(result: torch.Tensor, result_rms: torch.Tensor,
+                    input: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
+                    scale: torch.Tensor):
+            at1 = auto_functionalized(RMS_OP,
+                                      result=result_rms,
+                                      input=input,
+                                      weight=weight,
+                                      epsilon=self.epsilon)
+            at2 = auto_functionalized(QUANT_DYNAMIC_FP8_OP,
+                                      result=result,
+                                      input=at1[1],
+                                      scale=scale)
+            # result, scale
+            return at2[1], at2[2]
+        def replacement(result: torch.Tensor, result_rms: torch.Tensor,
+                        input: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
+                        scale: torch.Tensor):
+            at = auto_functionalized(
+                torch.ops._C.rms_norm_static_fp8_quant.default,
+                result=result,
+                input=input,
+                weight=weight,
+                scale=scale,
+                epsilon=self.epsilon)
+            # result, scale
+            return at[1], at[2]
+        inputs = [
+            empty_fp8(5, 4),  # result
+            empty_bf16(5, 4),  # result_rms
+            empty_bf16(5, 4),  # input
+            empty_bf16(1, 5),  # weight
+            empty_fp32(1, 1)  # scale
+        ]
+        pm.register_replacement(
+            pattern,
+            replacement,
+            inputs,
+            pm.fwd_only,
+            pm_pass,
+            extra_check=lambda m: record_match(self.Match(m)))
+    class Match(MultiOutputMatch):
+        def process(self):
+            # Find the nodes in the match that we need to rebind
+            rms_node = self.find_auto_fn(RMS_OP)
+            quant_node = self.find_auto_fn(QUANT_DYNAMIC_FP8_OP)
+            assert len(rms_node.users) == 1
+            assert len(quant_node.users) == 2
+            # First, insert a new auto_functionalized node for the fused op,
+            # as well as getitem nodes to extract the result and scale.
+            # The auto_fn node returns a tuple of (None, result, scale).
+            #
+            # The resulting graph looks like this:
+            # at = auto_functionalized(torch.ops._C.rms_norm_static_fp8_quant.default, ...)  # noqa
+            # result_node_new = at[1]
+            # scale_node_new = at[2]
+            with self.inserting_after_match():
+                kwargs = self.match.kwargs.copy()
+                # Scalars cannot be inputs to the pattern
+                kwargs["epsilon"] = rms_node.kwargs["epsilon"]
+                del kwargs["result_rms"]  # not used in the fused op
+                fused_node = self.insert_auto_fn(
+                    torch.ops._C.rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant.default,
+                    kwargs=kwargs)
+                getitem_nodes = self.insert_getitems(fused_node, (1, 2))
+                result_node_new, scale_node_new = getitem_nodes
+            # Rebind the users of match getitem nodes to use the new nodes.
+            # The old nodes will be removed by DCE at the end of the pass.
+            find_getitem(quant_node, 1).replace_all_uses_with(result_node_new)
+            find_getitem(quant_node, 2).replace_all_uses_with(scale_node_new)
+            # Finally, fix meta["val"] for de-functionalization.
+            # See MultiOutputMatch.process for more details.
+            # Result of fused node is (None, result, scale)
+            fused_node.meta["val"] = quant_node.meta["val"]
+class FusedAddRMSNormDynamicFP8QuantPattern(RMSNormQuantPattern):
+    def register(self, pm_pass: PatternMatcherPass,
+                 record_match: Callable[[MultiOutputMatch], bool]):
+        def pattern(result: torch.Tensor, input: torch.Tensor,
+                    residual: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
+                    scale: torch.Tensor):
+            at = auto_functionalized(RMS_ADD_OP,
+                                     input=input,
+                                     residual=residual,
+                                     weight=weight,
+                                     epsilon=self.epsilon)
+            at1 = auto_functionalized(QUANT_DYNAMIC_FP8_OP,
+                                      result=result,
+                                      input=at[1],
+                                      scale=scale)
+            # result, residual, scale
+            return at1[1], at[2], at1[2]
+        def replacement(result: torch.Tensor, input: torch.Tensor,
+                        residual: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
+                        scale: torch.Tensor):
+            at = auto_functionalized(
+                torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant.default,
+                result=result,
+                input=input,
+                residual=residual,
+                weight=weight,
+                scale=scale,
+                epsilon=self.epsilon)
+            # result, residual, scale
+            return at[1], at[2], at[3]  # TODO confirm signature
+        inputs = [
+            empty_fp8(5, 4),  # result
+            empty_bf16(5, 4),  # input
+            empty_bf16(5, 4),  # residual
+            empty_bf16(1, 5),  # weight
+            empty_fp32(1, 1)  # scale
+        ]
+        pm.register_replacement(
+            pattern,
+            replacement,
+            inputs,
+            pm.fwd_only,
+            pm_pass,
+            extra_check=lambda m: record_match(self.Match(m)))
+    class Match(MultiOutputMatch):
+        def process(self):
+            # Find the nodes in the match that we need to rebind
+            rms_node = self.find_auto_fn(RMS_ADD_OP)
+            quant_node = self.find_auto_fn(QUANT_DYNAMIC_FP8_OP)
+            assert len(rms_node.users) == 2
+            assert len(quant_node.users) == 2
+            # First, insert a new auto_functionalized node for the fused op,
+            # as well as getitem nodes to extract result, scale, and residual.
+            # The auto_fn node returns a tuple (None, result, scale, residual).
+            #
+            # The resulting graph looks like this:
+            # at = auto_functionalized(torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant.default, ...)  # noqa
+            # result_node_new = at[1]
+            # residual_node_new = at[2]
+            # scale_node_new = at[3]
+            with self.inserting_after_match():
+                kwargs = self.match.kwargs.copy()
+                # Scalars cannot be inputs to the pattern
+                kwargs["epsilon"] = rms_node.kwargs["epsilon"]
+                fused_node = self.insert_auto_fn(
+                    torch.ops._C.fused_add_rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant.default,
+                    kwargs=kwargs)
+                getitem_ns = self.insert_getitems(fused_node, (1, 2, 3))
+                result_node_new, residual_node_new, scale_node_new = getitem_ns
+            # Rebind the users of match getitem nodes to use the new nodes.
+            # The old nodes will be removed by DCE at the end of the pass.
+            find_getitem(rms_node, 2).replace_all_uses_with(residual_node_new)
+            find_getitem(quant_node, 1).replace_all_uses_with(result_node_new)
+            find_getitem(quant_node, 2).replace_all_uses_with(scale_node_new)
+            # Finally, fix meta["val"] for de-functionalization.
+            # See MultiOutputMatch.process for more details.
+            rms_tup, quant_tup = rms_node.meta["val"], quant_node.meta["val"]
+            # Result of fused node is (None, result, scale, residual)
+            fused_node.meta["val"] = (None, quant_tup[1], quant_tup[2],
+                                      rms_tup[2])
 class FusionPass(InductorPass):
     This pass fuses a pre-defined set of custom ops into fused ops.
@@ -360,6 +553,16 @@ def __init__(self, config: CompilationConfig):
                 self.patterns, self.record_match)
+            # Fuse rms_norm + dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant into
+            # rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant
+            RMSNormDynamicFP8QuantPattern(epsilon).register(
+                self.patterns, self.record_match)
+            # Fuse fused_add_rms_norm + dynamic_scaled_fp8_quant into
+            # fused_add_rms_norm_dynamic_fp8_quant
+            FusedAddRMSNormDynamicFP8QuantPattern(epsilon).register(
+                self.patterns, self.record_match)
             # WARNING: This is a hack to clear the pattern matcher cache
             # and allow multiple values of epsilon.