#Revisions and Change Log
- Minor bugfix for reactive return on downloadableTables when using initial selections
- Resolved outstanding Roxygen 7+ issue: r-lib/roxygen2#1491
- Minor bugfixes - handled classes and packageversion checking in compliance with latest R requirements to resolve notes
- Minor bugfixes - updated font awesome icons (to v5 compatible)
- Updated example templated applications
- Updated to the latest shiny modules paradigm from the old one
- Support for downloadableTable DT options
- Styling changed to use the fresh package
- Updated example applications, documentation, vignettes, etc.
- Ensured apps created with the older version of this package will work when the package is upgraded
- Bugfix for the framework to not require shinydashboardPlus unless a right sidebar is in use
- Bugfixes for the sample applications
- Refined package installation and version checking in onload/onattach
- Removed lazydata designation to resolve CRAN check note
- Bugfix for the right sidebar when using shinydashboardPlus 2.0 - first tab was disappearing
- Updated to provide handling for shinydashboardPlus old (<= 0.7.5) and new versions (2.X)
- Removed import less-than requirement designation for shinydashboardPlus
- Ensured shiny 1.6 compatibility
- Updated tests and fixed a few minor bugs
- The shinydashboardPlus package was moved to a suggests scope as it is not utilized directly by this package, just in some of the generated apps.
- Updated tests in preparation for Shiny 1.6 release - no functional changes
- Updated dependencies for shinydashboardPlus - 2.x will be a breaking release
- Cleaned up logging documentation and exports
- Moved openxlsx to suggested
- Added tests
- Added support for other color schemes in the dashboard
- Replaced CRAN-archived logging package functionality
- Fixed tests for compatibility with the next release of shiny
- Fixed url typo in readme link
- Added functionality to remove the left sidebar
- Bugfixes for corner cases
- Updated tests, documentation
- Added functionality to add or remove the reset button from an existing application
- Added functionality to add the right sidebar to an existing application
- Added ability to disable row.names in csv/tsv downloadFile
- Update to allow only the Advanced tab to be used in the sidebar
- Tested shiny 1.4 functionality - compatible
- Added shinydashboard plus functionality for a right-hand sidebar as an option
- Updated documentation and examples for shinydashboardPlus functionality
- Added a preference to turn off the reset application button
- Bugfix - hide downloadable table button if there are no download functions defined
- Updated tests to be compatible with the next release of htmltools (0.4, schloerke)
- Bugfix - downloadable table button was not appearing when created in a reactive block
- Supporting openxlsx workbook format for xlsx downloads in addition to data tables
- Documentation updates
- Removed unused import httr
- Documentation updates (grammatical, consistency)
- Initial CRAN release