Add: Magento 2.4.6
Add: Magento 2.4.5-p2
Add: Magento 2.4.4-p2
Add: #1041 : New command config:data:indexer (by Christian Münch)
Add: #1042 : New command config:data:mview (by Christian Münch)
Add: #1126 : Add and (by Christian Münch)
Imp: #1123 : Make detection debug output more helpful (by Alexander Menk)
Imp: New internal proxy command to call Magento Core Commands (by Christian Münch)
Imp: Disabled Magento and config initialization if self-update command runs (by Christian Münch)
Imp: Update 3rd party dependencies (Symfony, psysh, captainhook, php-cs-fixer, phpunit, twig)
Del: Support for PHP 7.3
Del: Remove internal test setup for Composer 1 based Magento installations
Fix: Initialize Magento only once which should prevent several issues with DB and config. (by Christian Münch)
Fix: Remove "please select" entry in search:engine:list command (by Christian Münch)
You can’t perform that action at this time.