Implementation of a RESTful web service that permits to store and retrieve the NFV/SDN information.
Different methos allow you to manage the whole structure and also the sub-structure. There is the possibility to add, remove, modify hosts, graphs, vnfd and so on. Check documentation, section 5, for more details.
- Configuration
- Classes Configuration
- Test
- JUnit test
- Client test
- Postman Collection
- Possible Issues
Make sure the name of the project you are going to create is Rest-nfv, if not just check Classes Configuration section to configure the dependencies. Some classes,
The used software has been IntelliJ IDEA ULTIMATE EDITION.
- Donwload SE Development Kit (JDK), version 1.8, see Download Oracle JDK.
- Donwload Glassfish application server, version 4.1.1, see Download Glassfish.
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog choosing File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS, and click Application Servers under Build, Execution, Deployment.
On the Application Servers page that opens, click + icons general add svg above the central pane and choose GlassFish Server from the list.
Specify the GlassFish Server installation folder in the GlassFish Home field. Type the path to it manually or click browseButton and choose the installation folder in the dialog box that opens.
Choose File | Project Structure on the main menu.
In the Project Structure Dialog that opens, choose SDKs under the Platform Settings.
On the SDKs page that opens, click + icons general add svg above the central pane and choose JDK.
Specify the installation folder of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) to use. Type the path manually or click browseButton and choose the installation folder in the dialog that opens.
Click Create New Project on the Welcome screen, or choose File | New | Project on the main menu. The New Project wizard opens.
On the page of the Wizard:
- Select Java Enterprise.
- From the Project SDK list, select the JDK 1.8.
- From the Application Server drop-down list, choose GlassFish 4.1.1.
- From the JavaEE Version drop down list, choose JavaEE 7.
- In the Additional Libraries and Frameworks area, select the Web Application and RESTful Web Service checkboxes.
- Choose the Download option in the area below the Additional Libraries and Frameworks list (the area is displayed only after you have selected the Web Application and RESTful Web Service checkboxes.).
- Click Next.
- Specify the name for your new project.
- Click Finsh.
Click Finish and wait while IntelliJ IDEA is creating the project.
Clone the project
git clone
Change the name folder of WebContent into web.
Rewrite all the file folder of your project with the new one downloaded.
Insert libs dependancy inside the project (to fix class import errors).
- Click File from the toolbar
- Project Structure (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S on Windows/Linux, ⌘ + ; on Mac OS X)
- Select Modules at the left panel
- in Dependencies tab '+' → Java
- Browse the folder lib of the Project
- Apply and then OK to close
File build.xml and tomcat-build.xml can be deleted (useful only for Eclipse configuration).
The used software has been Eclipse Neon 2
- Donwload SE Development Kit (JDK), at least version 1.8, see Download Oracle JDK.
- Donwload Apache Tomcat, version 8.5, see Download Tomcat.
- Click File > New > Other.
- On the page of the Wizard:
- Search for Dynamic Web Project.
- Set the Project name.
- On Target runtime select Apache Tomcat v8.5.
- Now browse the path of Tomcat home directory: usually (for version 5) /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.20 or /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.20
- From Dynamic web module version select 3.1.
- Click Finish.
Clone the project
git clone
Rewrite all the file folder of your project with the new one downloaded.
At this point you can:
- Use the build.xml
- Target: start-tomcat
- Target: deploy
- Now the services has been deployed and ready to use
- Do it manually
- It is recommandend to delete the build.xml and tomcat-build.xml.
- Insert libs dependancy inside the project (to fix class import errors).
- Right click on the project and click on Properties.
- From Java Build Path select Add jARs.
- Select all jARs inside lib and Webcontent/WEB-INF/lib folders and click OK.
- Apply and then OK to close.
- Create server Tomcat
- Click New > Other > Server
- On the page of the Wizard:
- Under Apache select Tomcat v8.5 Server.
- Click Finish.
- Use the build.xml
Keep attention on the fact that every time you add a new service or general class that perform some useful stuffs (XML and JSON validator for example) you must "register" this class in the MyApplication class. You have to add the new class in the defined hash set of classes in order to make that class available.
For example, if you want to add, then:
You need to specify the name of your project in the URL in which the client will perform the test. So, make sure that base URL
, inside the Client constructor, will contain the correct name of your project or the client will not work properly.
If the name of the project is Rest-nfv
, then:
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/Rest-nfv/nfv";
Note that in IntelliJ IDEA is also present the _war_exploded
, then:
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/Rest-nfv_war_exploded/nfv";
Make sure the base URL containts the URL of your project or the test will not work properly:
private String baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/project_name";
Note that in IntelliJ IDEA is also present the _war_exploded
, then:
private String baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/project_name_war_exploded";
Two ways to perform test:
It will perform some different kind of tests:
post_wrong_pni() will add a wrong PNI and then, the expected status code will be 400 Bad Requeset
post_fine_pni() will add a correct PNI and then, the expected status code will be 201 Created
post_wrong_ns() will add a wrong NS and then, the expected status code will be 400 Bad Requeset
post_fine_ns() will add a correct NS and then, the expected status code will be 201 Created
delete_pni() will perform a delete of the PNI and will assert a 204 No Content
delete_ns() will perform a delete of the NS and will assert a 204 No Content
It is a resource that can be called by performing a GET to path
.The resource will call a test service and a lot of insertion will be performed. To be sure that each insertion is correct the Client class will check for each insertion if the status code is the expected one or not: if yes it will log the insertion, otherwise it will throw an exception.
The postman folder contains a .json file (that can be imported in Postman) wich inside are defined some GET, POST, DELETE and PUT examples for some elements.
IntelliJ 13.1 and Glassfish 4.1 on MacOS X:
To force using Java 8 JDK, edite
/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA
- JVMOptions > JVMVersion from 1.8*,1.8+ to 1.8* -
Glassfish does not recognize JDK (Error: glassfish requires java se version 6. your jdk is version 0)
and edit it:set AS_JAVA=JDK_PATH
Java Path