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08E MFA Azure Provider
This is an implementation of the new model of Microsoft Azure, integrated with ADFS 2016 and Up.
You now need a subscription with a specific option: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/active-directory/ Our solution does not bring any additional functionality. Azure MFA is just an additional provider for adfsmfa. You can have no worries, using the Microsoft MFA integrated in Windows 2016, 2019 or 2022 alone or parallel, or ours. The registration procedure is the same. First read this : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-fs/operations/configure-ad-fs-and-azure-mfa
To view your configuration you must use PowerShell applets or the MMC.
- Log on the a primary ADFS server as administrator
- Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
$certbase64 = New-AdfsAzureMfaTenantCertificate -TenantID <tenantID> New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId 981f26a1-7f43-403b-a875-f8b09b8cd720 -Type asymmetric -Usage verify -Value $certBase64 Set-AdfsAzureMfaTenant -TenantId <tenant ID> -ClientId 981f26a1-7f43-403b-a875-f8b09b8cd720
You can view or modify your Provider configuration.
To view your configuration you must use PowerShell applets or the MMC.
- Log on the a primary ADFS server as administrator
- Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
- type get-help Get-MFAProvider –detailed to get information.
- type get-help Set-MFAProvider –detailed to get information.
- Enter your command
Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType Azure$c = Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType Azure ... Set-MFAProvider -ProviderType Azure $c
Property | Value | Comments |
Enabled | True | Does the provider is accessible to users |
EnrollWizard | False | Does not supports Wizards, a hyper link to the AAD user profile is provided |
EnrollWizardDisabled | True/False | At registration, if the provider is not required, you can bypass the the wizard. |
ForceWizard(1) | Disabled | Values can be Disabled, Enabled, Strict When a user select "I do not have the code". After successful authentication, if enabled or strict, the user MUST execute the wizard to register all the required properties If Strict the user cannot cancel the operation |
PinRequired | False | Does MFA require an additional code PIN |
TenantId | string | yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com |
Thumbprint | FFFFF...0123 | ThumbPrint of the certificate used when registering with Azure MFA |
FullQualifiedImplementation(1) | string | If you want to replace this provider with your own solution, you must specify the Full Qualified replacement class This implementation MUST implement IExternalProvider or subclass BaseExternalProvider abstract class |
Parameters(1) | string | Configuration parameters passed to the component |
(1) Only available with PowerShell
$c = Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType Azure $c.Tenantid = "yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com" $c.ThumbPrint = "FFFFF...0123" Set-MFAProvider -ProviderType Azure $c
- Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
- Launch MMC snappin