Releases: neohiro/ExploitProtection
XPROT Manager
Management tool for Windows Exploit Protection.
This standalone script allows updating the newest .XML from this online repository from anywhere, anytime.
Also included are abilities to backup or restore offline & remove all Windows Exploit Protection settings.
Oh, and you can reboot immediately as well.
Consider contributing your own additional program settings to the online version and grow the list for everyone.
P.S.: Are you a software developer with code signing abilities? Send a message!
Proof of concept .exe file but is broken (does load the GUI)!
Everything you need to stay up to date + install programs requiring starting services in these two scripts.
Update your Windows Exploit Protection settings:
XploitProtectionUpdater.ps1 will automatically import the most recent online .xml file from this repository. Reboot to finalize.
XploitProtectionRemoveAll.ps1 will create an offline backup in your Downloads folder before deleting all program entries from Windows settings. Restart to finalize.
Return your backup by running this powershell command: Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath "$HOME\Downloads\XploitProtectionMMddyyy.xml"
Replace corresponding "MMddyyyy" date to filename, see Downloads folder & copy paste exact filepath