I study and analyze a public dataset on US Exchange Traded Funds and Mutual Funds by setting up objectives to answer the following questions through this exercise:
- How has the popularity of funds progressed over the years – overall and certain cohort based?
- How has the financial performance of funds progressed over the years – overall and certain cohort based?
- How are different fund performance indicators correlated, if at all?
- What ETF and MF category should I invest in, if I favor a particular performance metric over others?
'US Funds dataset from Yahoo Finance' - https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/stefanoleone992/mutual-funds-and-etfs/data
- EDA on Python
- Visualization on PowerBI
Detailed approach documented in 'approach_US_ETFs_MFs.pdf'
- Analysis performed and provision made to extract further insights
- Further course is proposed in terms of:
- Ancilary data analysis that can be performed
- Modeling approaches that can be used to make predictions