This project is created by following
YOU NEED TO CHEKC before anything:
You can automatically compile and test the contract by running:
npm run build
You can create a new account and deploy the contract by running:
near create-account <your-account.testnet> --useFaucet
near deploy <your-account.testnet> build/release/hello_near.wasm
methods can be called for free by anyone, even people without a NEAR account!
# Use near-cli to get the greeting
near view <your-account.testnet> any_view_method
methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction.
# Use near-cli to set a new greeting
near call <your-account.testnet> any_call_method '{"param1":"howdy"}' --accountId <your-account.testnet>
Tip: If you would like to call any_call_method
using another account, first login into NEAR using:
# Use near-cli to login your NEAR account
near login
and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: --accountId <another-account>