A student portal that acts as an portal between students and the admin. T It contains an admin who can enter details of students.
Students can then Register and login using provided user id password and edit their profile details and image. When students login they can see their own marks details.
Now admin can ad details of Students marks. These are marks of 4 subjects each.
I have used spring boot to implement this application. This application is simple and I have used some spring boot modules while developing.
I have used Rest Apis using spring boot start web.
We can implement rest api by using annotations such as
To mark class as the controller we use it is the combination of @controller and @ResponseBody to write response back to server in the json format(we can also write XML based response).
@GetMapping @PutMapping @PostMapping @DeleteMapping
These are the alternatives to the @RequestMapping where we give specific method as the input
Service Layer to write bit of buisness logic
This is the data access layer, we can perform data based related operation. I have used Spring-Boot-Data-JPA using CrudRepository using mysql database added in class path.
I have implemented spring api security using spring-security-starter with database.
Logging used to log the operations to log file
Swagger is used to keep the documentation of rest api's. It show and generates documentation automatically for rest apis.