This Lerna repo contains npm packages used to render live evaluation code playgrounds that use buble to transpile JSX and ES2015. It is lighter weight than playgrounds that use Babel for transpilation.
: Helper tool for making playgrounds does not contains a code editorreact-playground-lite
: Playground styled with inline styles and CSS it uses CodeMirror as a code editorreact-playground-styled
: Playground styled usingstyled-components
with CodeMirror as a code editor
For more details see individual projects in the packages folder.
npm install -g lerna@2.0.0-beta.32
Clone the repo and cd into the project folder then run:
npm install
lerna bootstrap
You can then see examples:
cd packages/react-playground-lite
npm start
Then visit http://localhost:3000/examples
This component was developed at NCR Edinburgh.