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NCBI C++ Toolkit package recipe

  1. What is Conan and why you might need it?
  2. Preparing work environment.
  3. Building your project.
  4. Define build options.
  5. Semantic components of the Toolkit.
  6. Supported 3rd party packages.
  7. Data serialization support.
  8. NCBIptb build process management.

What is Conan and why you might need it?

Conan is an Open Source package manager for C and C++ development, allowing development teams to easily and efficiently manage their packages and dependencies across platforms and build systems. Conan can manage any number of different binaries for different build configurations, including different architectures, compilers, compiler versions, runtimes, C++ standard library, etc. When binaries are not available for one configuration, they can be built from sources on-demand.

When using NCBI C++ Toolkit at NCBI, there is good chance you do not need Conan. Different versions of Toolkit libraries and applications are readily available, as well as a long list of third party libraries. Still, there is always a chance you need something special. Conan might be the answer.

Using NCBI C++ Toolkit outside of NCBI is much more tricky. You need to download and build certain third party libraries, then the Toolkit itself. It is not always clear what exactly is required. Conan's help might be very useful in this scenario.

Preparing work environment.

First, you need Conan (and, to install Conan, you need Python). For instructions of how to install Conan, please refer to Conan's documentation.

On February 22, 2023 Conan 2.0 was released. It is a major upgrade, which features new public API, new build system integration and new graph model to represent relations between packages. What is important is that it is not always backward compatible with Conan 1.X.

The Toolkit recipe is fully compatible both with Conan 1.X and 2.X. We strongly recommend using Conan2.

Install Conan:

pip install conan


pip install conan==2.8.0

If needed, upgrade Conan installation:

pip install conan --upgrade

Next, check the list of Conan repositories and add

$ conan remote add conancenter
$ conan remote list
conancenter: [Verify SSL: True]

Make sure cmake is found in PATH. On MacOS and Windows this might require correcting the PATH environment variable. Finally. NCBI C++ Toolkit is large. Building it locally requires a lot of disk space. By default, Conan's local cache is located in user home directory, which, most likely does not have enough space. To place Conan's cache into another location, you should define CONAN_HOME environment variable.

Check the list of Conan profiles. Create default one:

conan profile list
conan profile detect
conan profile show

Clone this repository and export the recipe into the local Conan cache:

git clone
cd ncbi-cxx-toolkit-conan
conan export . 28.0.0@_/_

Please check conandata.yml file in this repository for the list of existing NCBI C++ Toolkit versions.

Building your project.

Let us build blast_demo sample application. It requires one source file and some unknown number of the Toolkit libraries. What we know for sure is that we need blastinput library.

Copy blast_demo.cpp into a local directory. Next to it, create

from conan import ConanFile
from import cmake_layout
class NCBIapp(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
    generators = "CMakeDeps", "CMakeToolchain", "VirtualRunEnv"
    def requirements(self):
    def configure(self):
        self.options["ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public/*"].with_targets = "blastinput"
    def layout(self):
        cmake_layout(self, src_folder=".")

It is also possible to use conanfile.txt - a simplified version of


It is difficult to say what is better, but definitely provides greater flexibility

Add CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
set(ncbitk ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public)
find_package(${ncbitk} REQUIRED)
add_executable(blast_demo blast_demo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(blast_demo ${ncbitk}::${ncbitk})

Install build requirements, in the source directory run

conan install . --build missing -s build_type=Release

In the source directory, CMakeToolchain generates CMakeUserPresets.json. To list available presets, run

cmake --list-presets

Run cmake to configure the build (conan-release is the name of the preset):

cmake --preset conan-release

and finally, build:

cmake --build --preset conan-release

Define build options.

NCBI C++ Toolkit libraries can be built as either shared or static ones. The same applies to external packages. The recommended way is to specify that in conan install command, or in Conan profiles. For example, the following instructs Conan to use NCBI C++ Toolkit shared libraries:

conan install . --build missing -s build_type=Release -o ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public/*:shared=True

To configure Debug build, use build_type settings:

conan install . --build missing -s build_type=Debug
cmake --preset conan-debug
cmake --build --preset conan-debug

Semantic components of the Toolkit.

The whole Toolkit contains about 220 libraries. No application will ever need all of them. There are a couple of options in the Toolkit recipe to limit the number.

ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public:with_targets specifies the required libraries. There is no need to list all of them, because the dependent ones will be added automatically. In the blast_demo example above, we request blastinput only. The build system then builds and uses 58 libraries.

ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public:with_components lists required semantic components. Each component is a set of libraries that share a common or related purpose. Components are then defined as CMake Imported Libraries, and it is possible to use them in target_link_libraries directives. For example, CMakeLists.txt for blast_demo application could look like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
set(ncbitk ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public)
find_package(${ncbitk} REQUIRED)
add_executable(blast_demo blast_demo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(blast_demo ${ncbitk}::blast)

Here is the list of the Toolkit components:

Component Libraries
algo cobalt composition_adjustment fastme phytree_format prosplign proteinkmer utrtprof xalgoalignnw xalgoalignsplign xalgoalignutil xalgoblastdbindex xalgocontig_assembly xalgodustmask xalgognomon xalgophytree xalgosegmask xalgoseq xalgoseqqa xalgotext xalgowinmask xblast xblastformat xid_mapper xprimer
algo-ms omssa pepXML xomssa
algo-structure xbma_refiner xcd_utils xstruct_dp xstruct_thread xstruct_util
align-format align_format xalntool
bamread bamread
blast blast_sra_input blastinput gumbelparams igblast vdb2blast xalgoblastdbindex_search xmergetree xngalign
core sequtil tables xalgovmerge xcompress xconnect xconnext xconnserv xdiff xncbi xqueryparse xregexp xser xthrserv xutil xxconnect2 zcf
dbapi ct_ftds14 dbapi dbapi_driver dbapi_util_blobstore ncbi_xdbapi_ftds ncbi_xdbapi_ftds14 sdbapi tds_ftds14
eutils egquery ehistory einfo elink epost esearch espell esummary eutils eutils_client linkout uilist
grpc grpc_integration
image ximage
loader-asncache asn_cache bdb ncbi_xcache_bdb ncbi_xloader_asn_cache
loader-bam ncbi_xloader_bam
loader-blastdb ncbi_xloader_blastdb ncbi_xloader_blastdb_rmt
loader-cdd cdd_access ncbi_xloader_cdd
loader-genbank eMyNCBI_result ncbi_xloader_genbank ncbi_xreader ncbi_xreader_cache ncbi_xreader_gicache ncbi_xreader_id1 ncbi_xreader_id2 ncbi_xreader_pubseqos ncbi_xreader_pubseqos2 xobjsimple
loader-lds2 lds2 ncbi_xloader_lds2
loader-snp dbsnp_ptis ncbi_xloader_snp
loader-sra ncbi_xloader_csra ncbi_xloader_sra
loader-wgs ncbi_xloader_vdbgraph ncbi_xloader_wgs
loaders data_loaders_util ncbi_xloader_patcher xflatfile
objects access biblio biotree blastdb blastxml blastxml2 cdd cn3d docsum efetch entrez2 entrez2cli entrezgene featdef gbproj gbseq gencoll_client generalasn genesbyloc genome_collection homologene insdseq local_taxon macro medlars medline mim mmdb ncbimime objcoords objprt pcassay pcassay2 pcsubstance proj pub pubmed remap remapcli scoremat searchbyrsid seq seqcode seqedit seqset seqtest submit taxon1 taxon3 tinyseq trackmgr trackmgrcli variation xnetblast xnetblastcli
psg-client psg_client psg_protobuf
seqext blast_services blastdb_format id1 id1cli id2 id2_split id2cli seqdb seqmasks_io seqsplit snputil uudutil valerr valid variation_utils writedb xalnmgr xcleanupxdiscrepancy xformat xhugeasn xlogging xobjedit xobjimport xobjmanip xobjmgr xobjread xobjreadex xobjutil xobjwrite xunittestutil xvalidate
sqlitewrapp sqlitewrapp
sraread sraread srareadx
xmlwrapp xmlreaders xmlwrapp
web ncbi_web xcgi xcgi_redirect xhtml xsoap xsoap_server

Supported 3rd party packages.

The Toolkit uses a number of 3-rd party packages. In the Toolkit code they are known by their aliases. The following is the list of packages supported by ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public Conan recipe, as of October 2024:

Alias Conan package
BACKWARD backward-cpp
BerkeleyDB libdb
BZ2 bzip2
GIF giflib
GRPC grpc
JPEG libjpeg
LMDB lmdb
LZO lzo
NGHTTP2 libnghttp2
PCRE pcre
PNG libpng
PROTOBUF protobuf
SQLITE3 sqlite3
TIFF libtiff
UNWIND libunwind
UV libuv
XML libxml2
XSLT libxslt
Z zlib
ZSTD zstd

These packages are available for download from conancenter repository.

Data serialization support.


The Toolkit contains datatool application, which can generate C++ data storage classes from ASN.1, DTD, XML schema or JSON schema specification. These classes can then be used to read and write data in ASN.1, XML or JSON format. To add code generation into a project, use NCBI_generate_cpp command. For example:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public REQUIRED)
NCBI_generate_cpp(GEN_SOURCES GEN_HEADERS sample.asn)
add_executable(asn_demo asn_demo.cpp ${GEN_SOURCES} ${GEN_HEADERS})
target_link_libraries(asn_demo ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public::core)

First two parameters to NCBI_generate_cpp receive lists of generated files - sources and headers. After that goes one or more data specifications. Files will be generated during the build in the directory where the specification is. To put generated files into another directory, use GEN_SRCOUT and GEN_HDROUT parameters:

NCBI_generate_cpp(GEN_SOURCES GEN_HEADERS sample.asn GEN_SRCOUT generated_sources GEN_HDROUT generated_headers)

Protocol buffers and gRPC.

gRPC is an open source high performance Remote Procedure Call framework. By default, gRPC uses Protocol Buffers, Google’s open source mechanism for serializing structured data.

First, make sure your project contains proper requirements. For example, conanfile.txt may request protobuf and grpc:


Next, you can use their own mechanisms, or the same NCBI function NCBI_generate_cpp:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public REQUIRED)
NCBI_generate_cpp(GEN_SOURCES GEN_HEADRS grpc_test.proto)
add_library(grpc_sample ${GEN_SOURCES} ${GEN_HEADRS})
target_link_libraries(grpc_sample ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public::grpc)

By default, NCBI_generate_cpp generates protocol buffers files only. To instruct it to generate gRPC ones as well, use GEN_OPTIONS flags, like this:

NCBI_generate_cpp(GEN_SOURCES GEN_HEADERS sample.proto GEN_OPTIONS grpc)

NCBI build process management.

NCBI C++ Toolkit includes NCBIptb - CMake wrapper, which can also be used with Conan.

For example, CMakeLists.txt for blast_demo project might as well look like the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public REQUIRED)


Note that NCBIptb expects source tree root to have include and src subdirectories:

- root
    - include
        - ...
    - src
        - ...

All header files are then expected to be in include and its subdirectories; sources - in src.

In other words, your root CMakeLists.txt should look like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(ncbi-cxx-toolkit-public REQUIRED)

The blast_demo example above will also work, of course. But as long as you add more and more projects, it is practically imperative that you adopt the standard NCBIptb source tree structure.

In case of data serialization projects, you should follow the standard NCBIptb practice - use NCBI_dataspecs function call. For example:
