matplotlib and numpy.
from tephigram_python import Tephigram
tephigram = Tephigram()
sounding = np.loadtxt('sounding_example.dat', unpack=True)
P = sounding[0]
T = sounding[2]
T_dp = sounding[3]
RH = sounding[4]/100.
tephigram.plot_sounding(P=P, T=T, T_dp=T_dp)
parcel_info = tephigram.plot_test_parcel(z=z, P=P, T=T, RH=RH)
variable contains the test parcel's CAPE (Convectively Available
Potential Energy) and CIN (Convective Inhibition energy) as well as the LCL
(Lifting Condensation Level), LFC (Level of Free Convection) and EL
Other useful methods of Tephigram
include plot_temp
and plot_RH
(Equilibrium Level).
See tests/ for more usage examples.
- add to pypi and add pip instructions