go get github.com/nbortolotti/tflitego
This example propose an inference using tflitego.
- iris.go: all the example code to implement an inference using tflitego
- iris_lite.tflite: tflite generic model to run the example.
This example propose inferences using images and with the objective to provide categorization or labeling.
- image.go:
- image_test.go
- images: folder with image placerholders.
- models: folder with tf models.
- mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
- mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quant.tflite
- labels_mobilenet_224.txt
Note: ioncluded a flag to customize an image capture into Raspberry Pi device. --rasp=true. This option provide th eoportunity to use a Raspberry Pi Camera Module to provide an interative demostration of image categorization.
remember to navigate into examples folder.
go build
go run iris.go